Parenting Kids and Teens

10 Best Fine Motor Toys and Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers

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Fine motor toys are a great way to help children build fine motor skills which is the ability to move small muscles in our hands and wrists to pick up or grasp large and small objects.

Also during Homeschooling it provides a wonderful opportunity to engage toddlers and preschoolers in delightful activities that not only foster their academic development but also enhance their fine motor skills.

Embrace the joy of learning through hands-on experiences by incorporating activities that involve painting with small brushes, molding colorful playdough into various shapes, and stringing vibrant beads to create beautiful jewelry.

These engaging tasks not only bring smiles to their faces but also help refine their hand-eye coordination and dexterity. Additionally, exploring the world of cutting with safety scissors or tracing patterns on textured paper adds an extra layer of excitement to the learning process.

As laughter fills the air, these activities create a positive and nurturing environment, making the journey of acquiring fine motor skills an enjoyable adventure for our little learners.

Why Fine Motor Skills Are Important?

Fine motor skills are important because it allows us to manipulate small or large objects when picking up or putting things together. For example, think back to a time when you were in kindergarten and you did a lot of cutting and pasting activities in class.

You would have some children who could cut and hold scissors correctly, while there were other students who couldn’t grasp their pencil or have hand eye coordination to cut and paste their activity together.

Children who also struggle with fine motor skills would also benefit from Occupational Therapy Toys and may struggle with Dysgraphia as well sometimes.

Fine Motor Toys for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Toys are a great way to keep your child engaged while learning fine motor skills. So let’s take a look at the fine motor skills toys that your child can practice with at home.

These jelly beads and tools are great for autism or autistic children and other kids and toddlers that need help with hand eye coordination, counting skills, color recognition, sensory and/or fine motor skills. You can be sure that no matter the child, they will love to feel, see, and play with these beads.

Build fine motor skills with this toy and also learn the colors and count. Have your child grasp the scales as they put them inside this dinosaurs back.

Great to stack and place the pegs properly on the peg board the eyes and hand have to coordinate together, strengthening your child’s visual perception, and motor coordination in a fun and enjoyable way.

This fine motor puzzle is great for for toddlers and 3-5 year old kids is an interactive tool for improving fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, problem solving, cognitive skills, sorting skills and cultivating the foundation of basic math for toddlers.

It’s a great learning toy that helps develop eye and hand coordination, fine motor skills, imagination and pre-reading skills. Great for teaching Letters, Numbers, Math, Counting and Colors. This puzzle is sturdy and durable, wooden colorful rainbow blocks attract children’s attention and they will enjoy this wooden puzzles.

It’s a good entry toy for 2 year old girls and boys, simple and easy to play, designed with a nature theme, and a good fine motor skill toy that will help 2 year old girls and boys in your life grow and find how they connect to the world.

This educational toy Improves manual dexterity, hand-eye coordination, color recognition and pairing, shape sorting, and the building sets for kids also increases attention and focus.

This fine motor educational occupational therapy toy helps develops your children’s fine motor skills, hand dexterity, color recognition, artistic senses, imagination and early patterning, sequencing ability.

These sensory balls and tools are great for autism or autistic children and other kids and toddlers that need help with hand eye coordination, sensory and/or fine motor skills.

This fishing toy is great for toddlers where children can learn also colors in this game. This parent-child interaction wooden toy will bring happiness in your family. You could play against your kids to see who will stack this stacking game higher.

Fine Motor Activities to do at Home or School

Fine motor skill activities are a great way to help boost your child’s confidence in skills. By doing these activities I list below it will help your special needs child with hand eye coordination, numbers, and also identify colors.

Also be sure to check out the video below of some household items around the house that can help build fine motor skills instead of purchasing some fine motor skill toys for your home.


Overall, finding a fine motor toy or activity for your child doesn’t have to be a daunting experience.

These toys are great for helping your child when comes to hand eye coordination, colors, sorting, picking up large and small objects, while all learning how to build small muscle skills at the same time.

Fine motor activities are great for the home because you can use things around the home to teach your child..

Comment down below your favorite best fine motor toy that your child likes the most.

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