Parenting Kids and Teens

10 Fun First Day Back to School Books for Elementary Students

First day of school can be a very exciting but scary day for students. If you’re a teacher looking for first day back to school books or a parent who is getting your child ready for first day back to school than you have landed on the right page.

Encouraging students to get excited about going back to school can be achieved through engaging books that capture their imagination and address their emotions.

Here are ten popular first day back to school books for elementary students to help ease the transition back to school:

  1. “First Day Jitters” by Julie Danneberg: Follow Sarah Jane Hartwell as she deals with first-day nerves and learns that everyone gets jitters, even teachers.First Day Jitters (The Jitters Series)
  2. Wemberly Worried” by Kevin Henkes: Wemberly is a little mouse who worries about everything, including her first day of school. This heartwarming story addresses anxiety and reassures young readers.
  3. The Kissing Hand” by Audrey Penn: This sweet story is about a young raccoon named Chester who is nervous about starting school. His mother shares a special kiss in his hand to remind him of her love throughout the day.
  4. Llama Llama Misses Mama” by Anna Dewdney: Llama Llama is excited but also a bit nervous about starting school. Follow him as he experiences separation anxiety and learns to have fun at school.
  5. Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes” by Eric Litwin and James Dean: Join Pete the Cat as he explores his new school, meets new friends, and discovers all the cool places to go in his school shoes.
  6. The Night Before First Grade” by Natasha Wing: This rhyming story follows a young girl as she gets ready for the first day of first grade, from choosing her outfit to saying goodbye to her family.
  7. “Brand New Pencils, Brand New Books” by Diane deGroat: Meet Gilbert, a lovable opossum, as he prepares for the first day of school, overcomes his worries, and discovers that school can be fun.
  8. “On the First Day of Kindergarten” by Tish Rabe: This book, inspired by the classic song “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” takes young readers through the first twelve days of kindergarten.
  9. Amelia Bedelia Goes Back to School” by Herman Parish: Amelia Bedelia’s unique take on language and instructions leads to funny situations as she goes back to school.
  10. Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten” by Joseph Slate: Join Miss Bindergarten as she prepares her classroom and welcomes her new students on the first day of kindergarten.

These books are a mix of funny, heartwarming, and reassuring story that will help ease any anxieties and get elementary students excited about going back to school.

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