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100 Best Opinion Writing Prompts for Elementary Students

opinion writing prompts

Opinion writing prompts were always my favorite when the English teacher would ask us to write on a specific topic in school.

Not only opinion topics are great for finding out what your child or student likes when it comes to a certain topic but also get them to think outside of the box and get creative when writing.

Writing prompts logical, critical, and exploratory thinking.

These opinion writing prompts are also great for middle schoolers, high schoolers, and preschoolers.

Here’s a list of 100 opinion writing prompts suitable for elementary students:


  1. Dogs or cats: Which makes a better pet?
  2. Should zoos exist?
  3. Should animals be kept in captivity?
  4. Is it okay to keep exotic pets?
  5. Which animal is the best at camouflage?
  6. Should people keep fish as pets?


  1. Pizza or hamburgers: Which is the tastiest meal?
  2. Should students have a longer lunch break?
  3. Is breakfast the most important meal of the day?
  4. Should candy be banned from school?
  5. Do vegetables taste better when they’re fresh or cooked?


  1. Is playing video games good for kids?
  2. Should kids have their smartphones?
  3. Is it better to read books or e-books?
  4. Should robots do chores for us?
  5. Is it important for kids to learn coding?


  1. Should homework be abolished?
  2. Is school uniform a good idea?
  3. Should schools have longer or shorter breaks?
  4. Is it important to have art and music classes in school?
  5. Should students have a say in what they learn?

Nature and Environment:

  1. Should we plant more trees to save the planet?
  2. Is recycling important?
  3. Should people use bicycles more often instead of cars?
  4. Is it important to protect endangered species?
  5. Should people use less plastic?

Sports and Activities:

  1. Which sport is the most fun to watch?
  2. Should kids be required to play a sport?
  3. Is it better to play outside or inside?
  4. Should everyone learn how to swim?
  5. Should schools have more field trips?

Family and Relationships:

  1. Should kids have a curfew?
  2. Is it important to spend time with family every day?
  3. Should kids be allowed to make their own decisions?
  4. Should siblings share a room?
  5. Should families have regular game nights?

Books and Stories:

  1. Which fairy tale character would you like to be?
  2. Should kids be allowed to read comic books in school?
  3. Should authors write more adventure stories?
  4. Is it better to read a book before watching its movie adaptation?
  5. Should kids write their own stories?

Health and Fitness:

  1. Is it important to exercise every day?
  2. Should kids be encouraged to try new sports?
  3. Is it better to cook at home or eat out?
  4. Should kids be allowed to have dessert every day?
  5. Should everyone learn how to cook?

Holidays and Celebrations:

  1. Is Halloween the best holiday?
  2. Should Valentine’s Day be for everyone, not just couples?
  3. Is it better to give or receive gifts?
  4. Should people celebrate their birthdays with big parties?
  5. Should there be more holidays during the school year?

Travel and Adventure:

  1. Should kids have more opportunities to travel?
  2. Is it better to go on a beach vacation or a mountain adventure?
  3. Should everyone learn how to speak another language?
  4. Should people explore outer space?
  5. Should kids have to earn a special trip through good behavior?

Movies and Entertainment:

  1. Which movie is the funniest of all time?
  2. Should kids be allowed to watch TV every day?
  3. Is it better to watch movies at home or in a theater?
  4. Should kids be allowed to watch scary movies?
  5. Should there be more movies about animals?

Community and Citizenship:

  1. Should kids volunteer in their community?
  2. Should everyone recycle and pick up litter?
  3. Is it important to vote when you’re old enough?
  4. Should kids learn about famous historical figures?
  5. Should kids be involved in making decisions in their neighborhoods?

Dreams and Imagination:

  1. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
  2. Should kids be allowed to dream big?
  3. Is it important to have imaginary friends?
  4. Should kids be encouraged to write their own stories?
  5. Should there be more magical creatures in the world?

Art and Creativity:

  1. Is it important to take art classes?
  2. Should kids be allowed to create their own inventions?
  3. Is it better to paint or draw?
  4. Should kids have more opportunities to perform on stage?
  5. Should there be more public art in our city?


  1. Should kids learn how to play a musical instrument?
  2. Is it better to listen to music or make your own?
  3. Should schools have more music programs?
  4. Should kids have to practice their instrument every day?
  5. Should kids be allowed to sing in the classroom?


  1. Should kids be allowed to wear whatever they want to school?
  2. Is it important to follow fashion trends?
  3. Should everyone wear uniforms?
  4. Should kids be allowed to dye their hair any color?
  5. Should clothes be more comfortable or stylish?

Safety and Rules:

  1. Should kids always wear helmets when riding bikes?
  2. Is it important to follow rules even when no one is watching?
  3. Should kids be allowed to cross the street alone?
  4. Should there be stricter rules for using the internet?
  5. Should kids be allowed to walk to school by themselves?


  1. Is it better to travel by car or by plane?
  2. Should everyone use public transportation more often?
  3. Should there be more bike lanes in the city?
  4. Is it important to walk or bike to school instead of taking the bus?
  5. Should people use electric cars instead of regular cars?


  1. Should kids be allowed to earn money by doing chores?
  2. Is it important to save money?
  3. Should kids have their bank accounts?
  4. Should everyone learn how to budget and manage money?

Feel free to use these prompts to spark creativity and encourage thoughtful opinion writing among elementary students! “Opinion Writing Prompts for Students

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