Parenting Kids and Teens

13 Cute Baby First Christmas Gifts

Baby Christmas Gifts

Will this be your child’s first Christmas? Don’t know what to get them? Here is a list of some of the best baby first Christmas gifts! Choose from any of these gifts, and your baby will have the best Christmas!

1. Baby First’s Christmas Items

You can’t go without getting at least one of those cute “baby’s first Christmas” items. There is a huge variety of them, from stockings to pajamas, onesies, ornaments, and more.

These are so cute and are a great way to have this Christmas be memorable!

2. Security Blanket or Stuffed Animal

A security blanket or stuffed animal will always be the perfect baby gift for Christmas. No matter what the age, your little one will love having something to hold and feel safe with.

Chances are, your baby will keep that stuffed animal or security blanket all throughout their life and will love reminiscing on the memories when they are older.



If you are looking for a Christmas gift for a baby who is about to or is currently teething, teethers make for a great gift!

There is a wide variety of teethers, including:

You can’t go wrong with any of these!

4. Stacking Toys

Stacking toys are another great Christmas gift for your baby’s first Christmas.

Depending on how old your baby is, you might want stacking toys for younger babies or older babies who are closer to a year old.

These will grow with them, and they will want to play with them for years to come.

5. Books

You cannot go wrong with getting your little one books for Christmas. Babies are always captivated by books, and reading to them daily will help them to develop correctly.

You can get a Baby First Christmas Book, a Christmas Touch and Feel Book, or one about The Nativity if you want to get books that are about the holidays.

Be sure to get sturdy cardboard books or fabric books so they will last and be safe for your precious little one.

6. Clothes

Getting your baby clothes also will be a great Christmas gift. Depending on your baby, you can get anything from some warm footsies, a bundle of onesies and pants, a pack of cute onesies, or a fuzzy hooded sweater.

Try to get some regular clothes that your baby will wear throughout the next couple of months instead of just around the holidays.

7. Bath Toys

If your baby loves taking a bath, give some bath toys for a simple yet fun Christmas gift.

You can get some cute squishy farm animals or this light-up whale that squirts out water.

Even some simple cups that your child can fill and pour out will be so much fun and will make bath time even more fun.

A cute fuzzy robe will also be a great bath gift too!

8. Puzzles

Depending on your baby’s age during their first Christmas, you might want to get them some puzzles. There are very simple, basic puzzles that a toddler might enjoy if your child is close to being a year old.

Usually, the best puzzles for babies are ones with only one piece, like this animal puzzle or a shape sorting cube that acts like a puzzle.

9. Handprint Keepsake

While this may not be very important to your baby, if you have a small infant, a handprint keepsake will make for the perfect first Christmas gift!

There are so many amazing designs and ways to preserve your little one’s handprint; you might want to get them all!

Grab a picture frame, one where you can put their hand and footprint, along with a picture or two of your baby.

You might also like a simple print one on little cards that is completely mess-free.

An ornament handprint keepsake is also very cute and will make their first Christmas memorable as well.

There is also a hand casting kit that will give you a mold of your infant’s hand and foot.

Whichever one you grab will make for the perfect gift you’ll keep forever. These handprint keepsakes also make great gifts for grandparents too!

10. Nativity Set

If your baby is a few months old, they will love playing with their very own nativity set! The Fischer Price Nativity Set is a favorite as it is very durable, so your child will play with it for every Christmas to come.

It is also a simple way to teach about Christmas to a baby and will make them feel involved in this special holiday season.

11. Personalized Blanket

A personalized blanket is another great baby’s first Christmas gift that would be fun to give your little one on their first special holiday.

Add your child’s name to this incredibly soft Minky blanket, and your baby will love sleeping with it.

This is a great time to get your baby their first special baby blanket!

12. Blocks

Blocks are fun for kids of all ages. There are even some simple and soft baby blocks that will be perfect for younger ones during the holiday season.

These silicone blocks are great for sensory play, are great teethers, and will not hurt them if they fall down.

There are even some fabric blocks that hold their shape, and your baby can stack them and won’t make any noise at all!

13. Photo Album

While your baby might not enjoy it right away, a photo album of your baby’s first year of life is another memorable gift that will last forever.

It is always fun to look back on your life, especially as a little infant, and see what you looked like. This will especially be fun when your baby becomes a parent, and they can compare themselves to their own little ones as they grow old.

These are just some of the best baby first Christmas gifts that are memorable, fun, and easy to do. Your baby will enjoy all the fun gifts even if they don’t remember their first Christmas. If you can, try to get a keepsake gift and a fun little toy as well!

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