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15 Popular Educational YouTube Channels For Kids

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Educational YouTube Channels – Teaching and homeschooling children has become so much easier due to technology today. Did you know that YouTube is one of the largest search engines in the world?

Due to the pandemic and students learning virtually at home parents are turning to technology apps, phones, podcasts, and learning platforms such as YouTube to help teach their children at home. Some parents have also realized that during this pandemic their child’s strengths and weaknesses have been looking to homeschool their child at home due to safety and the well-being of their child’s mindfulness and mediation of themselves.

So let’s take a look at the top educational channels listed down below.


Phonics Man Educational YouTube Channel

If you aren’t following the Phonics man, you might want to start now! This channel is all about getting kids hyped to get your child learning at home or inside the classroom by utilizing the latest games and challenges to help teach children.

KidsTV123 –  Educational Youtube Channel

I love this channel because not only does it offer a variety of fun videos and songs for children. It also makes videos for toddlers and babies that are developmentally appropriate to watch that work on the academic areas of reading and math.

Peekaboo Kidz

This Peekaboo Kidz – Educational YouTube channel is one of the coolest kid’s channels on the internet because is a cheerful destination with colorful animation for all children to watch over the world! Through educational videos, phonics songs, lullabies, and more.


This Ted-Ed – Educational YouTube channel is an extension of the TED-talk videos that are curated for children. Within TED-Ed’s growing library of TED-Ed animations, you will find carefully curated educational videos, many of which represent collaborations between talented educators and animators nominated through the TED-Ed 

Free School

Free School – Educational YouTube channel is a fun education channel that caters to all children K-12. Free School is a safe and friendly place to expose children to famous art, classical music, children’s literature, and natural science in an age-appropriate and kid-accessible way.

Crash Course Kids

Hosted by Sabrina Cruz this Educational YouTube channel has fast-track educational videos to help children understand a lot of content in such a very short period. This bi-weekly show from the producers of Crash Course is all about grade school science. We’ll look at Earth, Habitats, Space, Chemical Reactions, Engineering, and much much more.

Cocomelon Nursey-Rhymes

Always ranking at #1 Cocomelon is a 3D animation and toe-tapping songs tell tales of activities that young children all over the world will recognize. In addition to helping preschoolers learn letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and more, the videos impart prosocial life lessons, providing parents with an opportunity to teach and play with their children as they watch together.

Math Songs by Numberrock

This hoping channel makes animated, educational songs for kids that make math learning more fun and math teaching more effective! With over 70 animated videos that cover mathematical concepts from 1st Grade – to 5th Grade; with concepts like; Rounding Numbers, Ordering Decimals, Subtraction with Regrouping, 3D Shapes, Angles, Place Value, Multiplication Times Tables, and much more! They also recently started coming out with concepts for Pre-K and Kindergarten students like songs that teach kids about the months of the year, skip counting, and counting to 100.

Toddler Fun Learning

These are fun educational videos for babies, toddlers, and children. Sing along to our songs for kids, or watch and learn with our learning videos for toddlers. Together we can learn to count, learn our ABCs, and much much more. We promise your children are going to love our kid’s videos, children’s songs, and nursery rhymes produced especially for them! As parents ourselves we know how important it is that the content your kids watch is safe and will give them some educational benefit.

Teacher Made

Not only does this channel focus on reading, math, writing, and social skills. But it also focuses on special needs and talks about helping parents figure out their child’s behavior and moving them forward to be successful in life.

National Geographic

One of the most trusted websites for learning this channel is the world’s premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what’s possible.

Kids Academy

Kids Academy has a great variety of educational materials to offer at All topics of preschool education are covered in our apps, worksheets, and videos for kids. We are proud to represent our Video Channel. Let it be a source of inspiration for your home studies and a great new educational experience for your kids.

The Singing Walrus

One of my favorite channels this fun kid’s songs and other educational media is great for teachers and parents. Their songs are interactive, easy to sing along to, and very catchy! Many of them are written in a call-and-response structure, which encourages the children to engage with the music and learn new things in a playful way

Homeschool Pop

One of the best Educational YouTube Channels for teens this channel is exciting learning videos for elementary and high school students. We are called Homeschool Pop because our lead narrator and writer is a homeschooled dad.

Math and Science

This channel is not only great for middle, high, and college students but adults studying for their GED as well. This channel focuses on Algebra, Calculus, Physics, Chemistry, Statistics, Engineering, and more.


Overall, each channel is great for learning at home and teaching children how to stay focused in all academic areas. These channels also help K-12 students stay engaged when learning as well as teach them social skills, self-awareness, and mindfulness. Comment down below your favorite YouTube channel and list some others that I missed.

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