Parenting Kids and Teens

20 Cheap Teacher Gift Ideas for Back to School 2024

A Teacher gift for back to school doesn’t have to be expensive and it’s the thought that counts anyways!

I couldn’t stress enough to my parents about how tissue, pencils, and cleaning supplies can go a long way in a teacher’s classroom when trying to make it last throughout the entire school year.

Teacher burnout is real! and thousands of teachers have been quitting for years but took a huge hit to the education field during the pandemic. One minute teachers are praised for all of their handwork when trying to navigate virtual learning through the pandemic, while others expressed concerns about how teachers, staff, and school districts aren’t doing enough to curve the gap in learning for students.

However, I do believe that with positive affirmations, feedback, and kindness. Showing teachers with the slightest enough of appreciation can be shown through simple teacher gifts.

Teacher Gift Ideas from Parents & Students

teacher gift

1. Dollar Tree Gift Card

I remember receiving every year $250 check from the school district to go out and buy teacher supplies only to buy only 5 items worth of that amount when I had 20 kids in my classroom. Dollar Tree gift cards are a great gift for teachers to receive for back to school because they always have a good selection of school supplies for parents and teachers.


2. Pet Products & T-Shirts

Although this teacher gift can’t be utilized inside the classroom per say it will surly get your teacher to be in good spirits when returning home after a long day of work. I don’t know about you but I LOVE my dog which also serves as my emotional support animal.


3. Back to School Amazon eGift Card

I don’t know anyone that hasn’t shop online for Amazon at least once. I’ve always turn to amazon when trying to find cool teacher supplies when teaching my students. This is a great idea for a gift because it’s simple and you can add any amount you want to the eGift card and send it to your child’s teacher with a simple text or email.


4. Aim High To Do List Notepad

With teachers having to keep up with so many different things such as grades, students, safety, mental health, and etc. this is a great way to help them stay organized and on top of the many different hats that they have to wear when it comes to teaching.


5. CRAVEBOX Snack Box Variety Pack Care Package

This Cravebox includes a variety of 45 different yummy snacks from your child’s teacher to choose from. Some of the items included consist of cookies, candy, and fruity snacks. This was always my favorite gift from students because it gave me something to snack on throughout the school day.


6. Best Teacher Ever Tumbler

When all else fails you can not go wrong with a teacher mug or tumbler of some sort. I really enjoy getting these from my students every year because often times some from the previous school year often break do to being outside during recess or utilizing them at home over the summer for vacations. What I love about this tumbler is that it stays cool for 24 hours, hot for 6 hours, and also sweat proof.


7. Teacher Bag Black

Teacher bags are something that can’t be ignored when going throughout the school year. When trying to keep all of my teacher supplies and things together I often go through about 5 bags the entire school year. Help your child’s teacher with a teacher bag that is good and sturdy that will least them the entire school year.

8. Starbucks Gift Card

I will admit that out of all of the gifts that I receive for teacher appreciation week that this is by far my favorite gift! As you know Starbucks can be very expensive if not budgeted correctly throughout the school year. Surprise your child’s teacher with a Starbucks gift card and watch their face light up like Christmas tree.

9.Thank You Gift Teacher Candle

Candles are something that I love utilizing after a long day at work! I remember coming home a lot of times stress because I couldn’t get through to my students when teaching them a new concept in class, or hearing about what other demands the district had placed on teachers. Bighting my day up with a candle at night during a hot bath or while I ate dinner was the best stress reliever for my anxiety.


10. Paper Mate Profile Retractable Ballpoint Pens

Coming in so many different colors I absolutely love these pens because I use them for just about anything in my classroom. I don’t know any teacher that wouldn’t want to get these pens for a Christmas gift or a teacher appreciation gift. These pens are hard to come by when working throughout the school day because everyone wants to take them and hide them inside their classrooms.


11. Marbrasse Paper Letter Tray Organizer

A desk organizer is a great way for a teacher to stay organized with their papers after grading them or just simply putting important papers for a teacher to review later. It’s easy to lift up and to move around and can place at any corner of the desk.


12. Heavy Duty Storage Pocket Chart for Classroom

This huge pocket chart can be use in the classroom to keep tract of every student inside the classroom. Coming in a variety of different colors this chart keeps stationary, scrapbooking paper, cardstock, mail, paperwork, homework, bills and magazines together neatly. Staying organized has never been easier. It also can be used over the wall with it’s 5 sturdy door hangers that can be hanged on a door.

13. EXPO Low Odor Dry Erase Markers

I remember running through 5 packs of these the entire school year due to students leaving the caps off the top of the markers. Expo markers are a great way to show your appreciation for your child’s teacher because they will use at least 3 packs throughout the entire school year.

14. Learning Resources Answer Buzzers

Buzzers are a great way to get the students engage in learning games inside the classroom. Games that teach math, science, reading, and social studies are a great way to get your child learning new things when working in teams.

15. Dry Erase Lapboards Student Pack of 30

Having a classroom size of markers, boards, and erasers are a great gift for a teacher. These came in very handy when I taught a variety of different subjects and ask the students to hold their boards up when playing games and checking for comprehension after doing a whole group lesion.

16. 12 Pack Digital Kitchen Timer Magnetic Back

When working with students we teachers always have to keep up with the time throughout the school day. When students work especially in groups timers are also important for keeping the learning group rotations on time. Another great reason why I had these timers was when I was working as a special education teacher and had to teach my students with disabilities about time management.

17. Clipboards (Set of 30)

Having a classroom size of clipboards are hard to come by especially when you’re working at a school with a huge enrollment. Clipboards can be used for learning games, scavenger hunts, and helping kids keep control of their paper.

18. Color Your Classroom Class Jobs Bulletin Board

Job boards are a great way for teaching students responsibilities inside and outside of the classroom. When teaching the behavioral self-contained classroom I ensure that we had a job board to keep my students on track. This is a cool gift idea because some teachers often have to come up with their job boards instead of getting one that’s already made.

19. Chalkboard Hall Pass Lanyards School Passes

Students are always constantly needing to use the bathroom after returning in from recess, finishing up a large project, or just working through a hard assignment. These are great for teachers to keep track of students when they’re traveling to and from the bathroom, front office, library, or any other place on school grounds.

20. Bath & Body Works Gift Card

Of course I saved the best for last when it comes to pampering your child’s teacher. Bed Bath and Beyond is a great store for your child’s teacher to take a load off after a long day and just relax.


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