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25 Festive & Funny Christmas Jokes for Kids

25 Festive & Funny Christmas Jokes for Kids

Kid-Friendly Christmas jokes

We all love to laugh! This year, let’s give the gift of giggles with Christmas jokes for kids all month long. I’ve got a list of 25 kid-friendly Christmas jokes you can enjoy sharing with the whole family this holiday season. 

Christmas knock knock jokes, dad jokes, and short festive jokes for a quick laugh will brighten the holiday season. Christmas dad jokes are perfect for holiday gift tags, Christmas crackers, and advent calendars. 

I’m excited to share my favorite jokes and my favorite ideas on how you can use short holiday jokes this year. These jokes are sure to get a chuckle at your holiday party this December!

My Favorite Ways To Celebrate With Kid-Friendly Christmas Jokes

One of the very best gifts we can give is the gift of laughter. Adding a short Christmas joke to your holiday decorations and gifts is an easy way to bring a smile to your friends and family this December. Check out some of my favorite ways to add kid-friendly Christmas jokes to our celebrations below.

Advent Calendar Surprise

An advent calendar is a beautiful tradition to mark the days leading up to Christmas. Kids get really excited about Christmas and it’s hard to wait for the big day. Advent calendars make it easier with a small surprise each day leading up to Christmas. 

Many advent calendars are filled with candies or small toys. If you’re looking for a non-traditional Advent calendar, you might enjoy The Purple Cow Family Games Advent Calendar filled with silly games for the whole family to enjoy.

Instead of purchasing a store-bought advent calendar this year, consider making your own. A burlap bag advent calendar or collection of envelopes can be filled with Christmas jokes for kids to enjoy a giggle each day. 

Christmas Crackers

In Great Britain, Christmas crackers are part of holiday celebrations and Christmas dinners. Children can crack open these little parcels to reveal a paper crown, candies, and a Christmas joke. My Christmas jokes for kids are perfect for stuffing inside your holiday crackers this year!

Elf on the Shelf

If you haven’t added an Elf on the Shelf to your advent celebrations, you’ll definitely want to check out this Christmas tradition. He helps children remember to be kind this Christmas as they wait for Santa. Plus, he’s a great way for kids to get excited about the upcoming holiday.

The elf is a fun way to add joy to your holiday celebrations with kids of all ages. Print Christmas jokes for kids to add fun to your elf antics this December. Move your elf around the house with a new Christmas dad joke each day.

Christmas jokes

Christmas Joke Gift Tags

Need an adorable Christmas gift tag for your holiday presents? Add a short Christmas joke to your child’s gift tag this year.

This gift tag idea is a simple way to make your gifts personal and it’s sure to bring a smile to every recipient. You can use holiday stickers or stamps to decorate Christmas joke tags too.

School Lunches

I love adding a sweet note to my children’s school lunches. You can use a sticky note to write a quick note or share an inspirational quote with your kids. A Christmas dad joke is an easy way to brighten your child’s school day this December.

Secret Santa Stocking Stuffer

Secret Santa gift exchanges are so much fun! If you’re looking for something cute to add to stocking or secret gifts this year, try adding Christmas dad jokes. These short Christmas jokes are a simple way to add a little something extra.

christmas jokes

25 of My Favorite Christmas Jokes for Kids

Knowing a few seasonal jokes is a great icebreaker for Christmas parties. Holiday jokes are also a great way to bring a smile when you’re waiting in holiday shopping lines. Plus, they’re one of my favorite ways to entertain my kids. Check out my 25 best Christmas jokes for kids and share them with your family this year.

  1. What falls but never gets hurt? Snow.
  2. How do you help someone who has lost their Christmas spirit? Nurse them back to elf.
  3. What’s a Christmas tree’s favorite candy? Orna – mints!
  4. What did the grumpy sheep say when his friends wished him a Merry Christmas? Baaaa humbug.
  5. How does the snow globe feel this year? A little shaken.
  6. What do you call an elf wearing earmuffs? Anything you want. He can’t hear you.
  7. What do snowmen eat for breakfast? Frosted flakes.
  8. Knock knock. .. Who’s there? .. Donut … Donut Who? .. Donut open this until Christmas.
  9. What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire? Frost bite.
  10. What do you call Santa when he stops moving? Santa Pause.
  11. Where does Santa stay on vacation? A ho-ho-ho-tel.
  12. What do you call an obnoxious reindeer? Rude – olph. 
  13. What do gingerbread men use when they break their legs? Candy canes.
  14. What kind of bug hates Christmas? A humbug.
  15. How do sheep say Merry Christmas? Fleece Navidad!
  16. What kind of music do elves listen to? Wrap music.
  17. What’s red white and blue at Christmas? A sad candy cane.
  18. How does a snowman lose weight? He waits for the weather to get warmer.
  19. Why does Santa work at the North Pole? Because the penguins kicked him out of the South Pole.
  20. What did the beaver say to the Christmas tree? Nice gnawing you.
  21. What comes at the end of Christmas Day? The letter Y.
  22. Why was the ornament addicted to Christmas? He was hooked on trees his whole life.
  23. What kind of motorcycle does Santa ride? A Holly Davidson.
  24. What do fish sing during the holidays? Christmas corals.
  25. Why do mummies love Christmas? They’re very into wrapping.

Did you find a Christmas dad joke that’s perfect for your child’s lunch box this year? I hope you discovered some kid-friendly Christmas jokes to share with your whole family this December.

What’s your favorite Christmas joke for kids? Share your favorite kid-friendly Christmas jokes in the comments for everyone to enjoy.

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