Parenting Kids and Teens

25 Ways to Save Money on Groceries

Every penny in your pocket can make a big difference. Even small savings add up over time, and cutting grocery costs is one of the easiest ways to increase your income without getting a second job.

It’s not unusual for households to spend $1,000 or more each month on groceries, which gets expensive. Fortunately, you can do plenty of things to lower your grocery spending without feeling like you’re giving anything up. Check out these 25 ways to save money on groceries and free up cash to put toward other expenses!

1. Go to the Store Once a Week

It may be tempting to go to the store whenever you run out of something, but that makes your food expenses build up rather quickly. Set a day for each week that you will do all your shopping. If you run out of something, make a list so you can remember when it is time to shop again!

2. Buy in Bulk

Some grocery stores allow you to buy in bulk and save significantly on a wide variety of groceries. Buying in bulk is great for things like beans, rice, and flour, but you may want to hold off on purchasing perishable items like meat or dairy in bulk unless you know you will eat them in time. You can also save money by buying select household items in bulk, such as paper towels, toilet paper, or cleaning supplies. Just remember to use up the items you buy before they expire.

3. Look for Coupons and Discounts

Another way to save on groceries is through coupons and discounts. Search the internet or your local newspapers for coupons in advance or use store loyalty cards and discounts when available.

This is usually one of the easiest ways to shop smart and save money on your groceries! Plenty of stores run weekly deals and special coupons, so you can always save no matter where you shop.

4. Bring Your Own Bag

Many stores now require you to pay for bags if you do not bring your own. While it is only a couple of cents each time, it does add up significantly overall. Always bring your own bag to help avoid those costs. It is very eco-friendly as well!

5. Cook Meals at Home

It’s important to cook as much as possible from home instead of eating out or picking up take-out meals. This not only saves money on your grocery bill, but it also helps keep unhealthy foods out of your home and away from your children.

grocery shopping

6. Buy In-Season Produce

Produce is an important part of a healthy diet, and it’s also one of the biggest expenses in your grocery budget. Fortunately, there are a few ways you can reduce your produce costs.

First, buying in-season produce can reduce costs significantly because when produce isn’t in season, it has to be shipped from other countries at a higher cost, which is reflected in the price at the store.

Next, consider shopping at a farmer’s market, where you can buy produce that’s far cheaper than what’s found in supermarkets. Farmer’s markets sell fruits and vegetables that are grown nearby and can cost way less than what’s found in stores.

7.  Don’t Walk in Aisles You Don’t Need To

If you want to save money on groceries, only walk through aisles where you know you need food. This will help you avoid being tempted to buy something that is not on your list!

8. Shop From Your Phone

Another easy way to save money on your groceries is to not go to the store at all! Instead, use your store’s app to buy all your groceries. This will help you to only get what is on your list and stick to your budget.

It also will allow you to see all the sales and deals to save even more money!

9. Use a Price Comparison App

You can save a significant amount of money by buying items when they’re on sale. The easiest way to make sure you always have items you need on sale is to use a price comparison app.

These apps can scan barcodes and tell you when an item is on sale, how much it costs at other stores, and even how much it would cost to make the item yourself. Price comparison apps make it easy to buy only what you need and get the best deal possible.

10. Join a Wholesale Membership Club

If you regularly buy groceries and other household items, then you should consider joining a wholesale membership club. These clubs allow you to buy select household items in bulk and save significantly on things like paper towels, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, paper plates, and many grocery items. Many of these clubs charge an annual fee, but it’s worth it if it helps you save money in the long run.

Costco and Sam’s Club at two wholesale membership clubs that offer great deals and help you to shop smart with groceries and household items!

11. Don’t Buy Anything You Won’t Eat

It’s easy to get tempted by sales and buy more food than you need, eat, or even want. Avoid wasting money on things you don’t need by sticking to what you know you eat. There is no point in buying a new food item that is on sale just to have it sit in your fridge until it goes bad.

12. Plan Your Meals Ahead of Time

When it comes to food, one of the best ways to save money is to plan ahead. When you know what you’re going to eat, it is easy not to get distracted and roam all the aisles at the store. By doing this, you can avoid spending unnecessary amounts of money on groceries each week.

Plan out all the meals and snacks the entire family will eat for the week. Then, determine what ingredients you need to purchase and what you already have in your pantry. From there, you can quickly make a grocery list!

13. Don’t Shop When You’re Hungry

If you’re hungry, you’re more likely to make impulse purchases and buy more food than you need. You’ll be less likely to buy items you don’t need or even want when you shop on a full stomach. It is a simple yet effective way to save money on your groceries!

14. Try Different Brands and Store Brands

Branded items are often more expensive than what you can buy from a store brand. You can save money by trying different brands and sticking with the cheaper option. Most often, that is the store-brand item.

Many stores offer lower-cost versions of common products such as paper towels, toilet paper, and snacks like crackers and chips. Many people assume that more expensive brands are better, but lower-cost brands can be just as good. The store brand is cheaper, but most often, they taste the exact same!

15. Compare Price-Per-Ounce

If you want to be sure that you’re buying the best product for your needs, then you should compare price-per-ounce. Sometimes the labels will make it seem like they offer more food for a better price, but when you compare the price-per-ounce, it is not the case. Buying the product that gives you more food per ounce will give you a better deal and value too!

16. Make a Budget

One of the most effective ways to save money on groceries is to make a budget. Setting aside specific amounts of money each month for food will help you stay within your budget and allow you more flexibility when shopping. If you are not familiar with how to create a budget, there are many resources that can teach you how.

Some people prefer apps to track their budget, while others use a cash envelope method. Find a way that works best for you!

17. Make a Grocery List

One way to save money on groceries is to actually make a grocery list. You can use an app, make a note on your phone, or write it down and have a physical list. Doing this can help you avoid overspending on groceries as long as you stick to your grocery list!

Make a list of what you need and stick to it. By making a list, you can also be sure that you are not buying items that you don’t actually need or already have at home.

18. Rotate Your Food Staples

Be sure to rotate your food staples so that you are not purchasing them over and over again. For example, try to bulk buy your meat at the beginning of the month and then buy the rest of the items throughout the month. This will help to reduce your overall grocery budget and is an easy way to save money!

19. Shop at Discount Stores

You can also shop at discount stores whenever possible. Discount stores typically offer lower prices on select products than regular stores do. This allows consumers to save even more money by taking advantage of these discounts.

The downside to discount stores is that they rarely have the same items each time, so it is more up in the air if you will find everything you need. You can always start here to see how many things you can get off your list before going to a regular grocery store.

20. Grow Your Own Food

If you have the time and the space, grow your own food! Gardening is so beneficial for your mental health and will help you reduce your grocery budget too! It is hard work, but it will definitely be worth it. All the produce will taste so much better coming from your own garden; you will want to do it all year long!

21. Join a Farm Co-Op

A farm co-op allows you to help support the local farmers and get some fresh, delicious produce at a discount. More and more farms are selling their food in bulk to help you save money and bring you great products without the store being the middleman.

Oftentimes, someone in your area will start and organize it. You go in all together and split up the bulk boxes of produce each month. If there is one in your area, try it out!

22. Grocery Delivery Services

Another great cost-effective way to save money on groceries is to get your food delivered to you. It is convenient and will help you stick to getting only what you need. While you will have to pay either a monthly or yearly fee, it can be well worth it, especially if you tend to buy a bunch of random stuff at the store.

23. Only Shop the Sales

If you are not picky at all, try to only shop for things that are on sale each week. This is a great way to try new foods and stick to a budget! New foods go on sale each week, so you can always have a variety of foods and always get sales each time you shop!

24. Freeze Food for Later

If you buy in bulk, freeze some of the food you know you won’t eat right away. If you are worried about buying a lot of food in bulk, freezing is a great way to let you actually eat all that you buy without trying to eat it all up right away.

If you like to meal prep, you can also freeze some meals you make in advance. This will help you not buy take-out when you don’t want to cook. You can have an easy-to-go meal, all the while saving money!

25. Build a Food Storage

While it may seem like it cuts into your grocery budget in the beginning, having food storage will help you save money at some point. When food prices go up to the point where it becomes ridiculous, you have something to fall back on.

For instance, if you have a build-up of rice, if rice eventually goes up to $10 per pound, you can save money by using your food storage until prices even out again.

Saving money on groceries doesn’t have to be difficult, and it doesn’t require giving up healthy foods. It simply requires you to be aware of the costs of different products and make good choices when shopping. By following the tips outlined in this blog post, you can easily save money on your grocery bill each month.


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