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4 Ways to Help with Toddler Constipation

4 Ways to Help with Toddler Constipation

Toddler constipation is real!

Toddlers have constipation just like adults and perhaps more often since they don’t like to eat food that has a lot of fiber – vegetables and more vegetables. Children with constipation can use the same natural remedies as adults but in lesser amounts.

You can use these guidelines for children 3 and older. Children should have a bowel movement every day. It would be best for them to have at least two if they are eating three meals a day. If your child is having three or fewer bowel movements per week, it is time to get worried and take action.

If you use some natural remedies, and your child still has only 3 or fewer bowel movements per week, then it’s time for you to take your child to see a doctor. Continual constipation can reflect a more serious condition, especially if your child is eating foods that promote natural bowel movements.

Here is a list of things that you can do for your Toddler with constipation.

These recommendations are also good for you if you have constipation.

1. Drink more water 

children are very active and will perspire more than adults during the day and lose water. If the body needs water it will take from the stools and make them hard and difficult to expel.

2. Eat more fiber

fruits and vegetables are where the fiber is. Using artificial fiber and laxative products is not a good idea. The body can become dependent on these products and lose its bowel sensitivity and colon wall tone.

3. Having a bowel movement when it is time 

teach your children to go to the bathroom when they get the urge. A lot of times they will put it off if they are playing or doing something they like. Putting it off will de-sensitize the colon and it will stop giving the bowel movement signal after a time. This will lead to constipation.

4. Use natural products that promote bowel movements

Many fruits and vegetables promote bowel movements. Use these as snacks. In cases where you use a natural remedy that is bitter, remind your child that it is medicine to help them go to the bathroom more frequently.

Drinking Water

 Toddler Constipation

Have your constipated child drink more water throughout the day. Use distilled water. Minimize the use of sodas, tea, and sweetened juices, as these are not water. Eating fruits and vegetables provides the body with distilled water since they contain up to 70% water. Drink unsweetened fruit and vegetable juices to provide water and promote bowel movements.

Eating Fruits and Vegetables

The best time to give your child fruits is in the morning. From the time they wake up to noontime, the body is detoxifying. Heavy foods like meat, milk, cereal, and eggs hinder the detoxifying process. Fruits and their juices accelerate the detoxifying process and promote bowel movement, provided no protein or carbohydrates are eaten. A good breakfast is simply a bowl of fruit. A glass of juice can also be provided.

When in season use a big bowl of watermelon and cantaloupe slices. Otherwise, use a variety of seasonal fruits. Use fruits as a snack between meals. But do not give fruits after a meal as dessert. Wait 2-3 hours after a meal before giving fruit. This helps digestion and promotes bowel movements.

Vegetables should be eaten with each meal at noontime and dinner. Vegetables provide water, fiber, and an array of minerals and vitamins necessary for good digestion and colon function.

To make the salad more appealing for your child add raisins or pieces of apple to it.

Look to my other articles for Natural Constipation Remedies. Use those that I discuss. For a child, any herbal products that are used as a constipation remedy should be used at 1/3 the amount listed for an adult.

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