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Technology40 Funny Kid Riddles with Answers

40 Funny Kid Riddles with Answers

Kids Riddles that will make you Laugh

Kids love jokes and riddles!  A good laugh can solve a lot of life’s problems, especially for kids!  They lighten the mood and relax even the most tense situations! 

Riddles are mental puzzles that involve a play on words, and make you think outside the box.  They are great for kids who are still trying to figure out exactly what a joke is, and what makes it funny.

Riddles are a type of mental puzzle that your child can ponder over and solve. Solving puzzles are so important for cognizant development in young children.  

Riddles also provide an opportunity to relate to your children.  Having a riddle of the day is a fun tradition in many homes. 

Present the riddle at breakfast and see who can come up with the answer by supper.  Many kids will share the riddles they know with friends and teachers throughout the day! 

Riddles provide a talking point, ice breaker, and bonding opportunity, and serve an important role in social relationships. 

If your kiddo struggles to make connections, teach them some riddles they can tell.  It is sure to get the ball rolling!

Riddles can vary in difficulty level, from super simple to a bit more challenging.  But no matter your child’s age, riddles can be a fun addition to your routines. 

For young children, take the time to explain the riddle and why it’s funny, soon they’ll be coming up with their own riddles… and at least they will think they’re hilarious!

We’ve gathered up 40 funny kid riddles to help you get started riddling!  We know they’ll bring a smile to your face and a chuckle to your belly!

Fun Riddles For Kids

  1. Q: What has hands and a face, but can’t hold anything or smile?

A: A clock.

2. Q: What’s bright orange with green on top and sounds like a parrot?

A: A carrot

3. Q: What goes up but never comes back down?

A: Your age.

4. Q: What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire?

A: Frostbite.

5. Q: What’s really easy to get into, and hard to get out of?

A: Trouble

6. Q: What can jump higher than a building?

A: Anything that can jump — buildings don’t jump!

7. Q: What do you call a bear with no teeth?

A: A gummy bear.

8. Q: What 2 things can you never eat for breakfast?

A: Lunch and dinner.

9. Q: What has hands but doesn’t clap?

A: A clock.

10. Q: How do you fix a cracked pumpkin?

A: With a pumpkin patch.

11. Q: What did the zero say to the eight?

A: “Nice belt!”

12. Q: I sometimes run, but I cannot walk. What am I?

A: Your nose.

13. Q: What has four fingers and a thumb but isn’t alive?

A: A glove

14. Q: A group of bunnies were having a birthday party. What kind of music were they listening to? 

A: Hip hop music.

15. Q: What did the triangle say to the circle?

A: You are pointless.

16. Q: What has to be broken before you can use it?

A: An egg

17. Q: I am the beginning of everything, the end of everywhere. I’m the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space. What am I?

A: The letter “e”

18. Q: I add lots of flavor and have many layers, but if you get too close I’ll make you cry. What am I?

A: An onion

19. Q: What did the triangle say to the circle?

A: You are pointless.

20. Q: Mary’s mother has three children: Willy, Billy, and ___?

A: Mary! It is Mary’s mother.


21. Q: If two’s a company, and three’s a crowd, what are four and five? 

A: Nine!

22. Q: Why was 6 afraid of 7? 

A: Because 7, 8 (ate), 9!

23. Q: Four legs up, four legs down, soft in the middle, hard all around. What am I?

A: A bed.

24. Q: What gets wet while drying?

A: A towel

25. Q: When things go wrong, what can you always count on?
A: Your fingers.

26. Q: What has many keys but can’t open any doors?
A: A piano.

27. Q: I have wings, I am able to fly, I’m not a bird yet I soar high in the sky. What am I?
A: An airplane.

28. Q: I follow you all the time and copy your every move, but you can’t touch me or catch me. What am I?
A: Your shadow.

29. Q: I have no legs. I will never walk but always run. What am I?
A: A river.

30. Q: I am an odd number. Take away a letter and I become even. What number am I?
A: Seven.

31. Q: What do you call a chihuahua in the summer?
A: A hot dog!

32. Q: What is orange in color, green on top, and sounds like a parrot?
A: A carrot!

33. Q: What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire?
A: Frostbite.

34. Q: Why are teddy bears never hungry?
A: Because they are always stuffed.

35. Q: The more you take, the more you leave behind. What are they?
A: Footsteps.

36. Q: I’m light as a feather, yet the strongest person can’t hold me for five minutes. What am I?

A: Your breath.

37. Q: I have cities, but no houses. I have forests, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?

A: A map.

38. Q: What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?

A: The letter M.

39. Q: Everyone has it and no one can lose it; what is it?

A: A shadow.

40. Q: A bus driver was heading down a busy street in the city. He went past three stop signs without stopping, went the wrong way down a one-way street, and answered a message on his phone. But the bus driver didn’t break any traffic laws. How? 

A: He was walking, not driving.


Riddles really are a timeless, classic way to connect kids and adults.  They provide a puzzle for your brain, and laughs for your belly. 

Make sure to give your child time to think about the riddle before giving the answer.  The more practice they have the better they will get at riddles!

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