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Parent Support44 Helpful Preschool Graduation Quotes

44 Helpful Preschool Graduation Quotes

It’s a big experience for a parent of a preschooler to navigate the emotional rollercoaster of preschool graduation! Especially when it’s the first child to make that move. Preschool signals the end of early childhood and beginning of school age. That year or two of preschool is a transition.  It’s an opportunity for your child to learn and engage with their peers, navigate relationships, and begin learning numbers and letters!  

But preschool is so much more than just a short school day and playing with peers. And preschool graduation is a time to celebrate all that was accomplished in preschool, and everything leading up to the school years! It is the first of many graduations, and for many parents, a very significant moment in their lives!

That is why we want to honor our preschool graduates, and especially their parents, with these precious preschool graduation quotes. We have the Best Preschool Graduation Quotes, Inspiring Preschool Graduation Quotes, Funny Preschool Graduation Quotes, and Beautiful Preschool Graduation Quotes.

Best Preschool Graduation Quotes

  •  “Every cliche about kids is true; they grow up so quickly, you blink and they’re gone, and you have to spend the time with them now. But that’s a joy.” -Liam Neeson
  • “Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning.” -Mr. Rogers
  • “The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.” -B.B. King
  • “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I will learn.” -Benjamin Franklin
  • “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.” -Charles Dederich
  • “The most important thing in your life is to live your life with integrity and to not give in to peer pressure to try to be something that you’re not.” -Ellen DeGeneres
  • “Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can do.” -John Wooden
  • “Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.” -Anthony J. D’Angelo
  • “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” -Nelson Mandela
  •  “We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today.” -Stacia Tauscher
  • “A child must know that he is a miracle, that since the beginning of the world there hasn’t been, and until the end of the world there will not be, another child like him.” -Pablo Casals  preschool graduation

Inspiring Preschool Graduation Quotes

  • “The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.” -Denis Waitley
  • “Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.” -Margaret Mead
  • “Since the jobs that our preschoolers will do probably don’t exist yet, our priority is to teach them the skills to adapt and inquire and question and cooperate…life skills. So much more useful than rigid concepts such as the alphabet.” – Caroline Bellouse
  • “Before we ever put a pencil in a child’s hands, those hands should dig, climb, press, pull, squish, twist, and pinch in a wide array of environments and with a variety of materials.” -Amanda Morgan
  • “Every child deserves a champion, an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best they can possibly be.” -Rita Pierson
  • “They may forget what you said, but they will not forget how you made them feel.” – Carl Buechner
  • “Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work.” – C.S. Lewis

preschool graduation quotes

Funny Preschool Graduation Quotes

  • “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” -Albert Einstein
  • “You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting! So… Get on your way!” -Dr. Seuss
  • “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” -Dr. Seuss
  • “You’ve got brains in your head. You’ve got feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. Kid, you’ll move mountains.” -Dr. Seuss
  • “Only where children gather is there any real chance of fun.” -Mignon McLaughlin
  •  “A person’s a person, no matter how small.” -Dr. Seuss
  • “So please, oh please, we beg, we pray. Go throw your TV set away! And in its place, you can install a lovely bookshelf on the wall.” -Roald Dahl
  • “Work hard, nap hard.” -Demi Lovato
  • “Children are not things to be molded, but are people to be unfolded.” -Jess Lair
  • “Preschool children are virtuosos of imagination.”  -Benjamin Spock
  • A child’s sense of reality vs. fantasy can be a bit blurred at the preschool age.”  -Eva Amurri
  • “Play is the highest form of research.” -Albert Einstein
  • “The old rules are crumbling and nobody knows what the new rules are. So make up your own rules.” -Neil Gaiman
  • “Be silly, be honest, be kind.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “What we learn with pleasure we never forget.” -Alfred Mercier

preschool graduation

Beautiful Preschool Graduation Quotes

  • “Children are our most valuable resource.” -Herbert Hoover
  • “Graduation is not the end; it’s the beginning.” -Senator Orrin Hatch
  •  “Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.” -Pamela Vaull Starr
  • “Play is the highest expression of human development in childhood- for it alone is the free expression of what is in the child’s soul.” -Friedrich Froebel
  • “All children can explode into learning.” -Maria Montessori
  • “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” -William Butler Yeats
  • “Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” -Malcolm X
  • “Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead.” -Nora Ephron
  • “Winning doesn’t always mean being first. Winning means you’re doing better than you’ve done before. ” -Bonnie Blair
  • “I don’t love studying. I hate studying. I like learning. Learning is beautiful.” -Natalie Portman
  • “The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.” -Denis Waitley


Preschool Graduation is a beautiful experience for any parent. It is a right of passage for your child, and their first big step toward independence. We hope that these preschool graduation quotes inspire you and encourage you along your parenting journey!  

Now, it’s off to Kindergarten!  And we’ve got you covered with all the support you need!  Check out these Kindergarten Graduation Quotes, our favorite Preschool and Kindergarten Back-to-School Items, and Kindergarten Graduation Gifts (that also work great for Preschool Graduation!)! 

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