Parenting Kids and Teens

5 ADHD Adult Planners for Work or School

Planners are a great way to keep you organized when it comes to work or school.

I’ve always used planners when working as a Special Education teacher in the public school system and I know that I couldn’t live without them. When it came time to plan an IEP meeting, workshops, and training my planner was right there beside me at all times to help keep me stay organized.

As we age as humans we sometimes often forget things or say that we will do something only to find out later we get a call from a friend saying that we ignored their party or event because we forgot to write it down in our planner.

But how can you stay organized for work or school to keep up with what’s happening around town or what’s going on in your life?

Check out these cool planners that will help you accomplish all of your goals and desires.

Planners to Help You Stay Organized


Legend Planner – Deluxe Weekly & Monthly Life Planner

Coming in a variety of different colors. This deluxe planner is a win for people with ADHD or anyone who struggles with keeping organized. What I like about these types of planners is that they come with cool stickers that you can place throughout the entire planner to help you with meeting your goals in life, tracking your daily habits, and just overall having a positive outlook on life. Be sure to grab this planner to start manifesting the life that you want by staying organized with your thoughts.

Clever Fox Planner

Another cool colorful planner called the clever Fox is another fun and exciting planner that will keep you on your toes. This monthly/weekly journal is great for 3-12 month goals if you have a big trip coming up for work or school or just want to stay in contact with friends and need help remembering those family and friend gatherings. Inside the journal includes a focus and mind map to help you stay focused, and also awareness and self-discovery pages to help you maintain your sanity and mental state.

Simplified Greenery To-Do List Notebook

Just as a planner says! everything is pretty much simplified with this to-do list notebook. Keep track of your daily goals, affirmations, appointments, health, and fitness routine when writing them down in this to-do list notebook. This to-do list notebook is perfect for school or work and includes a back storage pocket area when you need to tear out pages to present or jot down in class.

Weekly planner notepad

Although not bounded and spiral like the other planners. This weekly planner notepad still gets the job done when struggling to stay on top of things in the office at work. Write down your scheduled meetings and appointments that are easy review to from your desk or home office workstation. Take this notepad on the goal when you’re traveling for work or school and don’t forget to write down things that you have trouble remembering.

The 6-Minute Diary

Yes, this isn’t a planner but more of a diary. However, included in this diary are some cool pages such as a morning reflection page to help you get started on your day. An affirmations page to set your intentions and goals for the day, week, or month. This is great for an adult with ADHD because not only does it help with lifting your spirits daily with words of encouragement but also keeps you on track with your schedule of things that you need to do to stay abreast of all of the things that are happening in your life.

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