Parenting Kids and Teens

5 Best ADHD Podcasts for Teens and Adults

Thinking about trying out the ADHD Podcast this year?

When thinking about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), most people picture a hyperactive child in the grocery store, a disruptive kid in the classroom, or a child who takes longer than necessary to finish a homework assignment. But what you may not realize is that while ADHD affects millions of children, it is also a disorder that affects approximately 8 million adults. The moment you find the source that is most user-friendly and helpful to you, go ahead and sign up for a free newsletter.

What Is Adult ADHD?

Although many people tend to think of ADHD as a childhood disorder, up to 80 percent of children with ADHD will exhibit symptoms into adolescence and up to 65 percent of children will continue to exhibit symptoms into adulthood.

adhd podcast

Adults with untreated ADHD may be perceived as “scatterbrained,” “disorganized” or “lazy,” but what many people are unaware of is that ADHD is an impairing neurological disorder, not merely an organizational or behavioral problem. One of the best things about the Internet and serious, scholarly, and devoted professional help sites is being able to find accurate, timely, and truly informative articles related to your search.

The 5 Best ADHD Podcasts for Teens and Adults

ADHD Experts Podcast

Leading ADHD experts give real-life answers to questions submitted by ADD adults and parents raising children with attention deficit disorder across a range of topics covering symptoms, school, work, and family life.

Parenting ADHD Podcast

Penny Williams, from, reveals her powerful parenting strategies, ADHD management tips, and hard-won wisdom so you can get ahead of the curve, to parent your child with ADHD successfully. Penny has been where you are and understands the hurdles blocking your way to successful parenting.

Gain the ability to understand and change your child’s behavior, reduce your stress, increase parenting confidence, and create more success and joy in your family by learning how to break through your child’s ADHD challenges and your family’s daily struggles.

Penny keeps it real and will be the first to tell you: that there’s no magic bullet for ADHD. Some struggles are inevitable, but there’s so much room for improvement, a better life, and a happier family. During the podcast, we talk about positive parenting strategies, ADHD tools and gadgets, calming activities, homework strategies, advocating at school, perseveration, learning disabilities, medication, therapy, coaching and guidance, learning challenges, giftedness, twice-exceptional traits, Asperger’s, sensory processing disorder, and everything that works (and doesn‘t work) to help you transform your child with ADHD, and your family.


Practical ADHD Strategies

Practical strategies to help you manage specific challenges related to ADHD and ADD. Led by Laura Rolands, founder of My Attention


CHADD’s podcasts—ADHD 365 and All Things ADHD—address a variety of topics for anyone dealing with ADHD. Listen for interventions, strategies, and tips for parents, teens, adults, educators, and professionals.

Adult ADHD Books

Ari Tuckman, PsyD, CST is a psychologist and certified sex therapist in private practice in West Chester, PA, specializing in diagnosing and treating children, teens, and adults with ADHD, as well as couples and sex therapy. He has appeared on CNN, National Public Radio, and XM Radio and has been quoted in The New York TimesUSA Today, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe,, The Daily Mail (UK), and many other media outlets. He is a former board member and current conference committee co-chair for CHADD, the national ADHD advocacy organization.

In addition to his four books, Dr. Tuckman has written several book chapters and is a frequent author for ADHD-related publications, including ADDitude Magazine and Attention Magazine. His Sex Matters blog on covers general sexuality topics, as well as how ADHD impacts sex and relationships.

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