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8 Best Kids Fitness Apps on Android and iPhone

8 Best Kids Fitness Apps on Android and iPhone

  • Have you ever thought of putting “Kids Fitness Apps” on your child’s phone?

The latest figures released in the US state that 15 percent of children and teenagers are now considered overweight, up from 6% 20 years ago. Statistics in the UK are similar, and rising especially during the pandemic. Recent research also suggests that obese kids are 77% more likely to suffer from asthma.

And of course in a world where TV, movies, teenage sitcoms, and advertising all promote the ideal image and the fat kid is often mocked and made the butt of all the jokes, many overweight children will increasingly suffer from a lack of confidence and poor self-esteem, leading to isolation and possibly depression in their teenage years.

Why do overweight children rates keep going up?

  • Portion sizes at schools, restaurants, and homes continue to increase.
  • Children now have much more choice in what they eat compared to previous generations, who either ate what they were served or went hungry.
  • Food has become significantly more accessible.
  • Sugary drinks, fizzy drinks, and so-called sports drinks are abundant.
  • Many snacks and junk foods are specifically marketed to children, advertised on TV, offer little nutritional value, and are far from filling. Some nutritionists even suspect that chemical additives can cause children to crave certain foods more.
  • Fast food outlets have increased in recent years and provide cheap, easy meals for time-stretched parents
  • Kids expect instant gratification in many areas of their lives, including food. Living with hunger pangs even for an hour is no longer an option!
  • Parents are often setting a bad example
  • Children no longer walk or cycle to school or much at all! Outdoor activities are much less a part of their lives than in previous generations
  • Spare time is spent on more sedentary pursuits, such as television, computers, video games, and even texting. The latest figures suggest that the average American teenager spends a horrifying 4 to 5 hours a day watching television!

teen fitness apps

How can you help your overweight child to lose weight?

Firstly, it is important to be aware that there is no magic formula and no instant solution. Your child will not be fit, healthy, and the perfect weight overnight! If, however, your child eats sensibly and healthily and increases their physical activities, they will grow into their weight.

Secondly, any approach you choose mustn’t make your child feel different, guilty, victimized, or unhappy in any way. Young children who worry about their weight grow into teenagers with eating disorders.

Thirdly, remember that by banning any foods you are likely to create rebellious feelings even in younger children, and disobeying your dictates may even turn into a game (or worse, a shameful secret). You are never going to be able to prevent a child from eating what he likes. If you forbid chocolate in your own house, for example, you can be sure your child will be eating it at friends’ houses or school if he gets half the chance!

This is why it’s a great thing to have your child include a kid’s fitness app on their cell phone.

Best Fitness Apps for Children and Teens

Cover art

Cosmic Kids

Fun yoga & mindfulness videos for kids aged 3 to 9, presented by Jaime. Try free for 14 days, with no ads, playlists, downloads, our full catalog & more. Kids love to follow Jaime as she goes on yoga adventures and explains mindfulness in ways that they get.

Cover art

Morning exercises for kids

Morning exercise – is the guarantee of health. It is necessary to do everyone, and adults and children. With our application workouts will turn into a fun game, but not boring, and give not only energy to the child but also the positive for the whole day.
Encourage your kids to a healthy lifestyle since childhood! “Kids Fitness Apps”


Cover art

GoNoodle – Kids Videos

  • Types of videos on this app include:
  • Dance
  • Sports
  • Exercise
  • How-tos
  • Yoga
  • Stretching
  • Deep breathing
  • Mindfulness
  • Mental Health

Cover art

Yoga for Kids and Family Fitness – Easy Workout

This kids fitness apps is one of the best yoga for families with different poses and is specifically designed for kids. A yoga workout plan helps to stay fit, relax, focus, and develop children’s minds. Physical competence builds self-esteem at every age. Yoga app has different types of yoga poses including fun Animal yoga poses. “Kids Fitness Apps”

Cover art

Kids Fitness – Exercises For Kids & Yoga For Kids

Features Includes:
– Kids Fitness Coach
– Water Remainder for kids to manage daily drinking water
– Daily Exercise for kids to improve health
– Yoga for kids to improve humanity
– Walking step counter for kids
– Workouts at beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels
– Exercise Video with information

7 Best Workout Apps for Kids to Keep Them Moving – TechWiser

Exercise: At Home Workout App

A few fun facts about the app:

  • the Lazy Monster can do 30 different exercises
  • 10 manually crafted workouts
  • no exercise machines or equipment
  • a great selection of fun music that will make exercising a blast!

Cover art

Kids Exercise: Warm up & Yoga for Kids

Yoga for Kids is a fitness app that is one of the best yoga for families with different poses and warm-up exercises and is specifically designed for kids. Workouts keep physically healthy kids also are more likely to be academically motivated, and successful. “Kids Fitness Apps”

Cover art

Kids and Family Yoga Workouts

The Kids and Family Daily Yoga Workouts app is one of the best applications that provide different modes of exercise, especially suitable for children and beginners in particular. A daily exercise plan helps keep you in shape, relax, focus, and develop children’s minds. The app contains different types of fun yoga poses including fun animal yoga poses. The app also contains flat stomach exercises, abdominal muscle exercises, abdominal fat exercises, and basic exercises that aim to have a flat stomach and get a harmonious body.

Try out this mindfulness video with your child.


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