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The Best Dating Advice for Special Needs Teens 7 Tips

The Best Dating Advice for Special Needs Teens 7 Tips

Dating as a special needs teen can be very scary!

Have you seen Netflix’s new series “Love on the Spectrum” after watching the first couple of episodes I can honestly say that this is a true reflection of the world of how hard it is for teens and adults with disabilities to find love. However, if you’re a parent of a child with special needs reading this then I can assure you that even for parents who have a child with a disability finding LOVE for you can be very hard as well.

The Netflix series LOVE ON THE SPECTRUM follows the lives of different people male or female who are on the spectrum trying to find love. In this article, I’m going to advise Teens with a disability who want to start their dating experience with these 7 great tips.

7 Tips When Dating as A Special Needs Teen

Tip 1: Remember that You’re Unique and Special

Don’t let anyone tell you that you aren’t a special person just because you have a disability. When going out on dates with another person I know that can be fun, exciting, and nervous all at the same time. Just because someone doesn’t call you back after your first outing or you don’t want to give consent for getting intimate within the first month, remember that you’re unique and special and that no one can change that about you. Know yourself as a person and find what you truly want from a positive relationship with your partner.

Tip 2: Finding LOVE Online could be an Option

Long are the days when trying to talk to someone in person wasn’t considered stalking. As a teen in this era, you have to be careful about how you approach people in public due to your behavior and how you act. Most people don’t understand that a disability can be seen non-physically, and I know that isn’t your fault that’s just how society is. Therefore, finding love online could be a possible option with the consent of your parent or guardian.

Finding love online doesn’t have to be a dating app like Tinder or Bumble but from a special needs dating site if you’re 18 and up and looking to connect with other like-minded people online. Also when you’re naturally enjoying your hobbies such as playing video games online you may connect with other people with disabilities who share the same interests as you as well.

TIP 3: Don’t FEEL or get PRESSURED to do Things you don’t Want to!

When you go out to school or community outings many different things can be fun to participate in such as pottery, arts and crafts, video game conventions, and many other things. However, when participating in these events with your partner whether you have been together for a month or even 5 years don’t feel pressured to do things that you don’t want to.

I know how much we can come to like a person very much and we want them to like us back. Remember that if they’re a good boyfriend or girlfriend they would not put you in the position to feel pressured to do things that you don’t want to without your consent, and if they’re pressuring you then you need to reassess the relationship.


Tip 4: Don’t allow your Partner to Use You

If you have a partner that calls you to do just about everything that they want to do all the time or always ask you for money, then they’re just using you for your time and resources. When in a relationship with another person they will always look out for your best interest. They will take care of you when you’re sick, they will support your dreams and goals, and support you financially if needed.

When your partner starts to take you for granted have a talk with them about how you feel and what you can do as a team to work on your relationship as a whole. Teen relationships should go at a slow pace because you’re both going through life of trying to figure out who you are as a person and that takes time.

Tip 5: Communication is Key!

When you’re in a positive and healthy relationship you work as a team when going through ups and downs in your teen partnership. Communication is the most important aspect of a healthy relationship especially when it comes to teen relationships or any other type of partnership.

When you have good communication skills with each other it makes the dating process smooth because there aren’t any false expectations between you. When you don’t have good communication people can misinterpret how you feel when it comes to your relationship posing a huge problem when situations pop up.

dating teens

Tip 6: Take your Time!

When starting a teen relationship you always want to make sure that you are even ready to partner in the first place. Do you know why you want or need a partner? How do you think having a partner will affect your life? If you can’t answer these questions then you probably need to take the time out to think about what it is that you’re seeking in a relationship.

Then when you do get into your first teen relationship you take your time to get a feel for the other person by getting to know them as a person. No one likes to be pressured or rushed into anything! take your time and get to know your partner when you enjoy your favorite hobbies together.

Tip 7: Respect their Future Decision

After you have been dating for a while it may be at the age where it’s time for you to go to College or you just want to move on with your life because you have outgrown your partner. It’s okay if you have matured to the point in your life where you no longer share the same interests with the person when you first start talking.

However, if you’re on the other end of the dating pole where your partner wants to move on from you then you must respect their decision. Teen breakups are extremely hard to go through when you have been attached to that person for so long and it was your first relationship or love. But if you person wants to move on and explore or find themselves independently let them do so.


  1. Thank you for this great advice. I am a high school special education teacher. Kids often ask me for advice with dating and I have no clue. I also have a 14 year old daughter with ADHD, anxiety, and sensory disorder so I am saving this information for the future.

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