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Special EducationE-Learning Classroom Rewards and Incentives for Students in Person or Virtual

E-Learning Classroom Rewards and Incentives for Students in Person or Virtual

What is E-learning?

Over the years, e-learning has experienced a remarkable surge in popularity, particularly among children learning from home.

This growth can be attributed to several factors, including advancements in technology, increased accessibility to the internet, and the ever-expanding range of educational resources available online.

With the proliferation of smartphones, tablets, and laptops, children now have unprecedented access to a wealth of educational content right at their fingertips.

Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic acted as a catalyst, accelerating the adoption of e-learning platforms as schools worldwide transitioned to remote learning to ensure continuity of education.

Consequently, parents and educators alike have increasingly turned to digital resources to supplement traditional learning methods or, in many cases, as the primary mode of instruction.

The flexibility and convenience offered by e-learning platforms allow children to learn at their own pace and tailor their educational experience to suit their individual needs and interests.

As a result, e-learning has become an integral part of the educational landscape, empowering children to engage with learning materials in innovative and interactive ways from the comfort of their homes.

children lying on sofa and using gadgets

So let’s take a look below at what are some of the rewards that teachers and parents can give to children to stay on task and learning online.

These rewards can be tangible and non-tangible items depending upon your school districts back to school options.

Non-Tangible Rewards

  • Virtual Party: Host an virtual party online every Friday or every other week.
  • Kahoot: This online game is a great way to get all students participating in class.
  • Fun Brain: This website has everything (math, science, reading, social studies). (Click link)
  • Hit The Button: A great game that you can play online that helps with math fluency. (Click link)
  • Dance Party: Host a dance party on online when students are returning in work.
  • Virtual Field Trip: Have students take a virtual field trip to Africa or other countries around the world.
  • E-Gift Card: Give an e-gift card to the student who has 100% attendance for the first 9 weeks of school.
  • Guest Speaker: Have a guest speaker that the students will enjoy.
  • Virtual Painting: Have the students pick up a paint palette from the school or mail them out in advance and have a virtual painting class online.
  • Virtual Career Day: Have the students dress up as their future career and have them show and tell to the class online.

Tangible Incentives from Teachers

Stickers are a great way to help children stay motivated to learn. You can give virtual stickers online, or you can give tangible stickers in person if you’re doing a hybrid model.

Another great reward for your boys and girls in your classroom are toy cars. These cars were very popular in rewards treasure box and they were quick to go first.

Play-doh is a great way to promote fine motor skills and to also use as a way to teach letters and numbers.

Yes, Food! was also in my treasure box when rewarding my students. But they only received this reward when I caught them exhibiting positive behaviors for long periods of time.

This Big bubble wand will help with soothing and calming your students after an difficult assignments or tasks.

Tangible Incentives from Parents

Silly puddy has been used for years as rewarding system for children. This cool puddy will help your child build their fine motor skills while relieving stress at the same time.

Crayola Silly Putty Bulk Variety Pack (24ct), Fidget Toys for Kids & Adults, Party Favors, Treasure Box Toys for Classrooms, Goodie Bag Stuffers, Gifts [Amazon Exclusive]

Who doesn’t love a bouncy ball? this reward can be used at any day of the time during brain breaks and after work completion.

My students love coming into my room to cool down and build things with Legos. If you have any laying around the house be sure to use these to inspire your child to work on their fine motor skills.

Let your students play inside your sensory box that you have inside your classroom. This variety pack of sensory items will be sure to peak each child’s interest.

This is a great reward not only for cooling down after a difficult assignment or tasks, but also very soothing to meet your child’s sensory needs when becoming overstimulated.

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