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Parent SupportFirst Day/Welcome Back to School Quotes for Students

First Day/Welcome Back to School Quotes for Students

Inspire and motivate students on their first day back with these welcome back-to-school quotes that are sure to set a positive tone for the academic year ahead.

Welcome back to school quotes are a great way of celebrating the first day of school, which marks a fresh start for new and old students. They offer a powerful way to capture this spirit and inspire students as they embark on a new academic year. These words of wisdom can ignite a sense of purpose and motivation, setting a positive tone for the months ahead. In this blog post, we discuss many back-to-school welcome quotes to inspire students on their educational journey. From uplifting to silly, we have quotes that fit any setting.

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Quotes for Excitement and Anticipation

The first day of school is arguably one of the most exciting days in a student’s life. The anticipation of meeting new people and learning new things can often leave kids speechless. These welcome back-to-school quotes for students are a perfect embodiment of this heady feeling.

“Today is the first day of the rest of your life.” – Charles Dederich.

This back-to-school welcome quote perfectly captures the importance of the first day of school for those attending school for the first time. School is a massive part of every child’s life, often leaving us with life-defining memories and lifelong friends.

“First day of school, new friends to meet, new adventures to unfold.” – Unknown

This welcome back-to-school quote for students encapsulates the excitement and anticipation of the first day for all students. Each new school year promises new adventures and new friends that will leave a lasting mark on your life,

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“The first day of school is the beginning of a new chapter in life.” – Unknown.

Similar to the previous quote, this welcome back to school quote emphasizes the idea of new beginnings. However, this quote focuses on the internal growth and change that the school offers. This allows you to leave your old self and start anew.

“School bells are ringing loud and clear; vacation’s over, school is here.” – Winifred C. Marshal.

This back-to-school welcome quote offers a playful and nostalgic take on the start of school. Relatable for students returning to school, this quote is a wake-up call to leave behind the vacation laze and start the new year with energy.

“This is a new year. A new beginning. And things will change.” – Taylor Swift.

From one of the biggest pop artists of this generation, this welcome back to school quote is a reminder to everyone of the new beginnings that the new school year brings. Whether you’re a student, teacher, or parent, this quote can inspire you to embrace change and look forward to new opportunities.

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“Today is a day where everything and anything seems possible.” – Unknown.

This welcome back to school quote perfectly captures the sense of endless possibilities that often accompany the start of a new school year. You can have this on the wall of your classroom or on the first page of your notebook to constantly remind you of all the possibilities during a school year.

“First day of school! Wake up! Come on. First day of school.” — Finding Nemo

Uttered by the beloved cartoon fish, Marvin, on his son’s first day of school, this is a lighthearted welcome back to school quotes for students. It is a reminder of the hope and importance of the first day of school, even if you are just a fictional fish.

Quotes for Motivation and Inspiration

While returning to school is very exciting, staying inspired and motivated throughout the school year is important. This is especially important for students who might feel premature exam stress or anxiety. The following welcome back-to-school quotes for students can be a great way to relieve this pressure and find strength in words.

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“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela.

This iconic welcome back-to-school quote for students highlights the transformative power of education. You can empower yourself and your community by applying yourself to studies and learning critical life skills.

“Believe you can, and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt.

This back-to-school welcome quote emphasizes the importance of self-belief and positive thinking. By encouraging new or returning students to believe in themselves at the start of the school year, you ensure their academic progress for the rest of the year.

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss

Uttered by the beloved children’s author, this welcome back to school quote is a fun and engaging way of encouraging a love for learning. Dr. Seuss points out the many possibilities that can open up by picking up the simple hobby of reading books.

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“One child, one teacher, one pen and one book can change the world.” — Malala Yousafzai.

Told by the iconic women’s education rights activist, this powerful quote highlights the potential of every individual to make a difference. Yousafzai emphasizes how a passion for education can have a massive impact on society – inspiring words for students just starting their educational journey.

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” — Albert Einstein.

This famous back-to-school welcome quote is a gentle reminder to embrace challenges and learn from their mistakes. This quote emphasizes that staying in your comfort zone for fear of failure does more harm than good. To remedy this, students must embrace hardships so that they can learn effective lessons from them.

Quotes for Fun and Humor

There is more to school life and the first day of school than studies and extracurriculars. These following welcome back-to-school quotes are a fun way of reminding us that school is an amusing experience and not just a place to sit and study.

Large kindergarten workbook with laminated pages. Books are laid out to show the variety of colors. Each book is personalized with a different childs name

“The first day of school is always a fashion show. The rest of the school year? A pyjama party.” – Unknown

This welcome back-to-school quote for students playfully highlights the contrast between the first day of school and the rest of the year. While most students are obsessed with creating a good first impression on their first day, they will inevitably be more relaxed (or perhaps chaotic) for the rest of the school year.

“I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.” – Winston Churchill.

This playful quote by the famous politician talks about truth for most students, regardless of their age or background.

“It’s not that I hate school. I just hate waking up early in the morning.” — Unknown.

This back-to-school welcome quote is extremely relatable to students all over the world. This quote is especially true when most new students haven’t experienced early mornings before or when returning students are fresh off their relaxing vacation.

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“No school without spectacular eccentrics and crazy hearts is worth attending.” – Saul Bellow.

While school is officially a place to learn, it would be incomplete without eccentricities and craziness. Thus, this welcome back to school quote encourages students to always be their most free selves during the school year and not to be afraid of judgment and fun.

“There is only one thing bigger than a kindergartener’s curiosity, and that’s their backpack.”

This fun welcome back-to-school quote is a playful observation about the enthusiasm and energy of young students. It also admires the willingness of kindergartners to learn, especially on their first day of school.

Quotes About Friendship and Support

School life would be incomplete without having made good friends along the way. After all, learning is sometimes a team effort. These quotes beautifully capture the essence of friendship and support during your school year.

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“Everything you do–good or ‘bad’–affects everyone else in the room. That means everything you do matters because you matter.” — Unknown.

When going to a school, it is important to remember that every student and teacher is interconnected at school. This back-to-school welcome quote is a reminder of the importance of considering the impact of your actions on others.

“What I remember most about high school are the memories I created with my friends.” — J. J. Watt

While this quote seems nostalgic, it is a reminder to new students that the bonds they form during the rest of their school years will most probably endure well into adulthood. Thus, it teaches students the importance of making good friends at school.

“What is the most important thing one learns in school? Self-esteem, support, and friendship.” — Terry Williams

This welcome back to school quote directly addresses the impact of school on your emotional and social well-being. It also emphasizes the importance of building confidence and supportive relationships during your school years.

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“Be kind and make friends.” — Unknown.

At the end of the day, the most important thing to remember is this simple yet profound welcome back-to-school quote for students. It encourages you to be a good person and make better friends, which will surely contribute to a great school year.


Welcome back to school quotes for students are a great way of embodying the many emotions that nervous students feel on their first day of school. So, if you want to provide some much-needed motivation or just release some tension, simply display these welcome back-to-school quotes on your classroom walls.

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