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Inspirational Quotes for Kids and Teens with Anxiety

Inspirational Quotes for Kids and Teens with Anxiety

– Discover these inspirational quotes for anxiety specially curated for kids and teens. These quotes aim to provide comfort and support during challenging times.

Inspirational Quotes About Perspective on Anxiety

Before one can tame their anxiety, it is essential to understand what anxiety is and why it has so much power over you. These quotes for anxiety can provide some well-needed perspective on the emotion.

“Anxiety’s like a rocking chair.  It gives you something to do, but it doesn’t get you very far.” -Jodi Picoult, “Sing You Home”

This is a quote for anxiety attacks that helps you understand the futility of anxiety attacks. While it does give you the sensation of being occupied (like a rocking chair), anxiety does nothing to benefit you. It only cripples your daily life, especially if you’re a child just learning to navigate the world.

“Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but from wanting to control it.” -Kahlil Gibran.

This quote for anxiety focuses on the source of stress. Gibran accurately points out that your anxiety attempts to make you do the impossible, controlling things that cannot be controlled. This truth can help kids and teens realise the futility of anxiety.

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“Worrying about outcomes over which I have no control is punishing myself before the universe has decided I ought to be punished.” -Sherry Thomas

Similar to the previous quote for anxiety, this quote points out that anxiety is a way of punishing oneself for things that we can’t control. Worrying about events that have not happened yet or are inevitable wastes young people’s energy, only leading to sadness.

“Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.” -Swedish Proverb (shows how worry exaggerates problems)

This is a motivational quote for anxiety as it shines a light on how being anxious can make a small problem more significant than it needs to be. As shadows are a trick of light and amount to nothing, worrying is an illusion that can also be controlled.

“You don’t drown by falling into the water.  You only drown if you stay there.” -Zig Ziglar.

This motivational quote for depression and anxiety is very eye-opening. While it seems like a simple truth, it exposes a harsh reality for anxiety sufferers. While kids and teens might be prone to anxiety attacks, the critical thing is not to dwell on your worries.

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Inspirational Quotes About Coping Mechanisms

Now that we understand the source of anxiety, let’s pay attention to these inspirational quotes. They shine a light on overcoming anxiety attacks and being more focused on the present.

“Smile, breathe, and go slowly.” –Thich Nhat Hanh.

While this may seem like simple advice, it is a highly effective way of overcoming an anxiety attack. This is a calming quote for anxiety that emphasizes the importance of mindfulness. So whenever you feel your worries creeping closer, close your eyes, breathe, focus on a positive thought and try to go about your day as calmly as possible.

“At the end of the day, tell yourself gently, ‘I love you, you did the best you could today, and even if you didn’t accomplish all you had planned, I love you anyway.” -Anonymous.

Just because you are suffering from anxiety does not mean that you are not allowed to be compassionate with yourself. If you have a bad day, just remember this motivational quote for anxiety – it provides much-needed love and compassion, even if you havent reached all your goals. This quote for anxiety is also a reminder that, as a human, you shouldn’t go for perfection at the cost of your health.

“For fast-acting relief, try slowing down.” -Lily Tomlin

This inspirational quote for anxiety sufferers is an effective way of gaining relief from an anxiety attack. If you feel like you are going in a downward spiral, remember to take a step back and breathe, slowing your heart rate and mind.

“The past has no power over the present moment.” ~Eckhart Tolle (letting go of the past for anxiety relief)

A constant worry amongst anxiety sufferers is the regret of past mistakes and embarrassing moments. This quote for anxiety helps us understand that the memories of your past can’t hurt you right now. By letting go of the past and focusing on the present moment, you can deal with what’s happening right now, which is much more important.

“Don’t believe every worried thought you have. Worried thoughts are notoriously inaccurate.” ~Renee Jain

This motivational quote for depression and anxiety exposes how what we think directly affects how we feel. If we focus on negative, harsh thoughts, it can make us feel worse. But, if we can control our thoughts and focus on the positive, it can improve our mental well-being.

“When you’re feeling anxious, remember that you’re still you. You are not your anxiety.” ~Deanne Repich (separates self from anxiety)

Feeling anxious is a normal reaction to new moments and past traumas. But this motivational quote for anxiety reminds you that you’re stronger than your worries. You have a life full of adventures waiting for you, so don’t let anxiety hold you back.

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Inspirational Quotes About Action and Perspective

While coping mechanisms and positive reminders are a great way of dealing with anxiety, it is also an incredible feat to take action and view your worries from a new perspective. These motivational quotes for depression and anxiety can guide you to start your journey towards mental peace.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” -Lao Tzu

This is an age-old quote about how the most crucial step in treating any disease is to take the necessary first step. Overcoming your anxiety is a long and challenging journey, but don’t be overwhelmed. Once you take the first step, any kid, teen or adult can find the strength to overcome their worries.

“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.” ~William James

While daily stressors are an unavoidable part of life, this inspirational quote for anxiety helps you understand that you have the power to control your thoughts. Giving in to negativity can only lead to more unhappiness. However, by consciously choosing a positive outlook on life, you empower yourself to face challenges and grow as an individual.

“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” ~Henry Ford

Suffering from anxiety feels like everything is going wrong, like the whole world is working against you.  But this calming quote for anxiety exposes a simple truth: even aero planes need wind to take off! Just like a plane uses strong winds to lift off and soar, you can use tough times to build your strength.

“You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you.” -Dan Millman.

It can be easy to forget that even though negative thoughts can consume you, you are the master of your own thoughts. This motivational quote for anxiety is a reminder that you have the power to think positively whenever you feel overwhelmed by anxious thoughts.

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Inspirational Quotes About Self-Acceptance

An essential step in dealing with anxiety is accepting that you have anxiety; it is not always adequate to pretend you don’t have anxiety and that you are completely fine. These quotes for anxiety explain how you can overcome your fear by simply acknowledging it.

“I just give myself permission to suck.  I find this hugely liberating.” -John Green.

This straightforward quote about anxiety by the famous author John Green is a refreshing take on anxiety. By allowing yourself to make mistakes and accept your embarrassing moments, kids and teens can relieve themselves of the pressure of being perfect. This can be a liberating philosophy for young people who are always afraid of making mistakes or feel forced to meet social standards.

“Tension is who you think you should be.  Relaxation is who you are.” -Chinese Proverb.

This is one of the most inspirational quotes for anxiety, as it promotes self-acceptance. The pressure kids and teens have never to let their guard down and stay on their best behavior at all times can take a toll on their mental health. However, you can enjoy life better by being the real you and allowing yourself to be relaxed and comfortable.

The best thing one can do when it is raining is to let it rain.” -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

This quote for anxiety attacks draws a parallel between anxiety and rain. When it starts to rain, you might feel frustrated or disappointed that your plans were ruined. Bust, since you can’t control the weather, you have no choice but to accept the rain and maybe even take the time to enjoy it. Similarly, the anxiety we feel when bad things happen can be inevitable. But just like the rain, we can’t control those feelings. The best thing we can do is accept that we’re feeling anxious and know that, like the rain, it won’t last forever, like the rain.

Final Words

Anxiety is a familiar feeling amongst kids and teens, maybe now more than ever before. Thus, addressing these feelings of fear and worry is essential instead of encouraging kids to “power through it”. These quotes for anxiety can help your children face and overcome their anxiety in healthy ways, ensuring a better life for everyone.

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