Last year’s Preschoolers and Kindergarteners were completely robbed of their childhood experiences. Preschool and Kindergarten graduations had to be held virtually or not in person at all. But this year’s school year is fully underway with a huge item of list supplies that will have parents ready for this upcoming fall, and parents are willing to pay a hefty fee for school supplies this year. So let’s take a look at the best preschool and kindergarten back-to-school supply items that are the hottest trends right now.

Activity Work Books For Learning
Activity workbooks are a great way for children to stimulate their little minds. When you read and reinforce at home what your child does every day at school, not only are you building their vocabulary skills but all their expressive and receptive language skills as well. Take a look at some of these preschool and kindergarten activity workbooks below.
Sensory / Therapy Toys
Sensory and therapy toys are a great way to get children excited about learning. Did you know that they even make sensory chew toys for children who struggle with sensory processing disorders? Toys will always be around to help stimulate the brain of a young child when it comes to a child progressing through the 5 developmental domains.
Back to School first-day books
Books are a great way to introduce school to your child when your preschooler or kindergartner is returning to school. Books can open up a world of ideas and also clear up some confusion for a child who is worried about attending school.
Home Materials for Learning
The items listed below are great for keeping the learning momentum at home. Learning at home can also be fun with the right tools to go along with it. Check out these common, average school supply items for at home.
Overall, each item on this list isn’t your average back-to-school list items for preschoolers and kindergartners. However, for a special needs mom and a child who struggles with their emotions and behavior this school supply list is the ultimate must-have for this upcoming school year.