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Parent SupportThe Best Complete Guide to Dating as A Special Needs Parent

The Best Complete Guide to Dating as A Special Needs Parent

Are you Dating as A Special Needs Parent?

Finally! you’ve nailed your first date as a special needs parent, got your babysitter and you’re ready to meet for the first time on the weekend. Only to find out that you got stood up because your date found out that you have a special needs child only to run in the other opposite direction.

As a special needs parent, finding love and dating can be hard. Special needs children require a lot of attention and care, not to mention the challenges that come with dating while parenting.

This article will help you find the right person for you and your child. It will look at how to find love while having a special needs kid, what to do if someone doesn’t want to date you because of your kid, and why it’s important for all parents- not just those with disabilities- to get out there and date.

Dating Guide for Special Needs Parents: Expert Tips & Advice

Finding Someone Compatible  With You

We all know that dating can be a minefield of rejection and fear of the unknown. For parents of children with disabilities, this minefield can seem even more treacherous as their children’s needs often come first before their own needs.

One of the most difficult challenges for parents is finding love. And this challenge becomes even more daunting when you are a special needs parent.

It can be difficult to find your perfect match because of the limited pool of potential partners. But with the right attitude, it is possible to find love.

7 Free Places For Finding Love as A Single Special Needs Parent

What if I told you that you could find, attract, and manifest love in one of these FREE places on or online when it comes to dating as a special needs parent? Well, check out these free places on and offline of how most single special needs parents are finding love in today’s world.

Facebook Special Needs Parenting Groups

Now I know you’re probably thinking why in the world would I want to find and attract love in a Facebook group? Hear me out! There are a lot of Facebook special needs parenting groups such as this one Single Moms and Dads of Special Needs Children.

Where you can connect with other like-minded individuals who are going through the same parenting struggles as you. By joining one of these groups and adding feedback you may just end up helping someone for the rest of your life if you catch my hint.


Not only do I love this website for meeting up for just about absolutely anything! but it’s also great for finding local special needs groups near you to meet up and talk about advocacy, parenting, best child toys, and fitness. It’s also a great place to meet up with other single special needs parents just for dating as well.

Think about it! you go to a meetup group near your home just for special needs advocacy and end up attracting and finding someone who shares the same interest and home lifestyle as you and you’re well on your way to your first date.

Special Hearts

Created by a mother of a child with special needs this website is designed especially for single special needs parents. Just sign up and join thousands of others who want to connect with other adult singles who share the same circumstances as you.

Dating Guide for Special Needs Parents: Expert Tips & Advice

Wolf and Friends

Not necessarily a dating website like or Special Hearts. This website and app were still created for single special needs parents who are navigating daily life as a caring parent. Just sign up on their online community and download the app to get started on finding a friend near you who shares the same interest as you when it comes to parenting a special needs child.

Local Community Festivals for Special Needs Children and Teens

Another way to attract and manifest love is to go out and have fun! Yes by having fun in environments that interest us we have a sense of stability and peace of mind. By going to local community festivals being open-minded and speaking to other people you surely will connect with other singles who are just looking to have a fun time just like you are.

Volunteering in your Community

I love to Volunteer and give back to my community! Just by volunteering, you learn a lot about yourself and the others around you. By volunteering in your local area or community and meeting other single parents or families is a breeze. Try joining or volunteering at your local YMCA, Church, or even specific groups such as Vegan stores and organizations.

Sporting Events

Does your child like participating in or watching sports? For years I used to take my two little brothers to their baseball events in local and out-of-state games only to meet some great people who shared the same interest with me. When attending your child’s local sports events or attending a sports event such as Basketball or Hockey games.

There will be some single parents out there cheering their children on from the sidelines or grabbing a bag of popcorn from a food stand before sitting down in the stadium. Local sports events are a great way to meet someone new and single because it’s fun and exciting, and everyone is in a good mood.

special needs sports for toddlers

Additional Websites for Disabled Parents Dating

Okay, so we talk about how to find and attract love when you’re a special needs parent with special needs kids. But what about disabled parents looking to find another disabled adult to date? well, check out these additional dating websites below which are great for disabled parents who are getting back into the dating scene and want to try out some dating apps for people with disability.

  • Disabled People Date: Disabled People Date is one of the Top Dating Service providers. Thousands of successfully matched couples throughout the world are proof of this and every year millions of new members are taking advantage of the dating opportunities that Disabled People Date has to offer!
  • Enable Dating: UK’s largest disabled people’s dating website-Membership is free, they won’t ask for your credit card details and you will be able to instantly browse profiles and become involved. Whatever your disability dating isn’t something you should be missing out on!

Piece of Thought

Please keep in mind that finding love or attracting love first starts with you! If you’re miserable how do you expect to attract someone or the person that you desire? If you don’t have confidence in how you look on the outside you can’t also simply intend to match with someone either.

As a special needs parent, I know that it’s hard to secure dates, pay for therapies, and be active in your child’s school life. But I promise you that to attract anything you desire it must first come from within.

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