Educational Apps – Long are the days of pencil and paper at home while sitting on the floor trying to figure out a math problem while your mom is cooking dinner. Technology has now become the forefront of learning in today’s society, and moving to online learning has become the new norm for most parents looking to escape the old brick-and-mortar technique for their child. Whether you like it or not, learning online is here to stay and is progressing extremely fast.
So let’s take a look at the top educational apps for children with and without disabilities.

ABCmouse – Educational Apps
One of my favorite online technology tools for children ages preschool and up. This app features four main subjects in its curriculum such as reading, math, science, and social studies. I like this app because it helps teach our students the foundation and basics of learning before moving on to the higher grade levels. This app also has hundreds of interactive games that focus on numbers, shapes, letters, and sounds.
EPIC – Educational Apps
I love EPIC! and have used it numerous times inside my self-contained behavioral emotional emotional classroom. Epic reading app is an educational tool for ages 2-12 and features a read-to-me option, or your child can choose to read on their own. The website also offers videos in real life that go along with the book and also has games geared towards some of the books.
Every Friday our 5th-grade team would all the 5th graders gather inside one of the 5th-grade classrooms and have a 5th-grade class challenge on chrome-books to see which students were the fastest at their multiplication facts. Not only can this educational site be played on laptops but also on your phone. This website works on the early stages of learning multiplication (e.g. times tables) and division facts. Hit the Button is an interactive math game with quick-fire questions on number bonds, times tables, doubling and halving, multiples, division facts, and square numbers.
Kahoot App
No, that’s their name, Kahoot! Which is also one of my all-time favorite educational platforms that we use with my upper-grade students. Kahoot is a tool used by teachers to administer quizzes, discussions, or surveys. It is a game-based classroom response system played by the whole class in real-time. Multiple-choice questions are projected on the screen. Students answer the questions with their smartphone, tablet, or computer.
Brain Pop – Educational Apps
One of my all-time favorite websites that I use for my students is Brain Pop. BrainPop is a standard-bearer for quality, self-directed online educational content for younger and older school-age kids. This interactive site includes videos, audio prompts, graphics, games, and use-what-you-learned activities in a blended format that will be very familiar to most kids. Kids can spend hours on this site exploring many of the main topics that contain more sub-categories, like the science and math sections. There is also a jr. brainpop and ell. brainpop for English language learners and mindfulness activities for kids.
Please comment below on more websites that you like to utilize inside your classroom or at home.