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8 Essential Steps for a Smooth Night-Time Routine to Prepare Your Kids for School in 2024

A Magical Night-Time Routine for Getting Kids Ready for School

Well, it’s almost that time of year again when parents have to dread getting their kids or teens back into the routine of getting them ready for back to school. If you’re a parent, you know that getting your kid or teen prepared for school isn’t just about the morning scramble. It starts the night before.

Which is the real deal breaker when getting the best quality sleep. However, creating a magical, efficient, and peaceful night-time routine can help transform your evenings from chaos to calm, setting everyone up for a brighter, smoother school day.

Here’s a friendly guide to crafting that perfect bedtime ritual.

1. The Pre-Bedtime Wind Count Down

Starting the transition from daytime to bedtime with a cozy wind-down routine can make a major difference, especially for a child or teen with a disability. First, you may want to dim the lights, put on some soft music or nature sounds, and encourage quiet activities like drawing, reading, or even puzzles. This signals to your child that bedtime is approaching and helps their body and mind to relax and start winding down.

2. Dinner and Clean-Up

The next thing that you want to do is to keep dinners light and easy. Think about wholesome, nutritious meals that aren’t too heavy on that body that will weigh your child down or make them sluggish. After dinner, involve the kids in clean-up time. Make it fun by turning it into a game – who can put the most dishes, cups, and trash away in 10 minutes? This teaches responsibility and ensures a tidy kitchen for the morning rush.

Steps for a Smooth Night-Time Routine for Kids in 2024

3. Bath Time Bliss

A warm bath can work wonders and go a very long way in relaxing your little ones. Add some bubble bath products, a few fun bath toys, or even a color-changing bath light to make it exciting and fun. Use lavender-scented soap or bath bombs for their calming properties. Some nice smooth lotions and some creams before putting on their clothes. Bath time is also a great opportunity for some one-on-one time with your kids, sharing stories about their day or reading a short book.

4. Pajama Power

Once your child is all squeaky clean, let the kids pick out their favorite pajamas before going to bed because this allows them to have a sense of control in a little way. Encourage them to lay out their clothes for the next day too, which also promotes positivity and self-esteem to look good at school. This small step can save precious minutes in the morning and gives them a sense of control and preparedness which just made your job 10 times easier.

5. Story Time Snuggles

Now, it’s time to get cozy! Gather in a comfy spot with blankets and pillows in the bed or a spot in the room. Reading a bedtime story is a cherished tradition that not only helps kids wind down but also fosters a love for reading. Choose a mix of classic tales and new adventures to keep it interesting.

6. Tidy Up Together

Before the final lights-out, take a few minutes to tidy up toys and books together. Make it a family effort. This not only keeps the house organized and neat with storage but also teaches kids the importance of tidiness and responsibility. Plus, waking up in a neat space can positively influence everyone’s mood.

7. Affirmations and Gratitude

At the end of the day on a positive note with a short session of affirmations or gratitude. Ask your kids what they enjoyed most about their day or what they’re looking forward to tomorrow. This practice helps them focus on the positives and sets a happy tone for their dreams.

8. Lights Out and Goodnight Hugs

Finally, it’s the time that you’ve been waiting for which is “lights out”. Ensure their room is a calm and comforting environment before leaving the room, with nightlights if they need them. Don’t forget those essential goodnight hugs and kisses that show your child that you love them regardless of what kind of day they had, reminding them they’re loved and safe inside their own home.

Tips for a Smooth Transition

  • Consistency is Key: You have to stick to the same routine every night for the best results when trying to get your child on a steady bedtime schedule. Consistency helps kids know what to expect, making the process smoother and less fussier.
  • Stay Calm: If your child resists at first, stay calm and patient, and don’t let anger take over your body. Gentle parenting and persistence work better than frustration.
  • Prepare for the Unexpected: Sometimes, nights don’t always go as planned and that’s okay. Just embrace flexibility and know that it’s okay to adjust when needed. Everything doesn’t always have to be perfect every night but as long as you tell your child advice on what they’re getting ready to do then they know what to expect in the next couple of hours.

By following this magical enchanting night-time routine, you’ll create a serene atmosphere that helps your kids unwind, transition stress-free, and make mornings less hectic and school days brighter. Remember, the goal is to make bedtime a loving, peaceful ritual that everyone looks forward to. Sweet dreams!

Steps for a Smooth Night-Time Routine for Kids in 2024

5 Calming Bedtime Activities to Get Started when Putting Kids to Bed!

Here are some calming bedtime activities to help you when following the bedtime routine schedule. These calming bedtime activities can help kids wind down and prepare for sleep:

  1. Bedtime Yoga: Simple, gentle yoga stretches can help relax the soul, body, and mind. Poses like Child’s Pose and Butterfly Pose are great for kids.
  2. Breathing Exercises: Teach your kids deep breathing exercises to help them relax at night. For example, box breathing in for a count of four, holding for four, and exhaling for four.
  3. Coloring: Offer some coloring books or pages with calm, non-stimulating designs. Coloring can be very soothing and helps kids focus and relax.
  4. Puzzles: Using simple puzzles can help shift focus away from any anxieties and promote relaxation.
  5. Mindfulness Activities: Teach kids simple mindfulness activities, like focusing on the sounds around them, the smell of the room, or imagining a peaceful place when closing their eyes. Apps or guided recordings can be helpful.

By incorporating all of these activities into a consistent bedtime routine, kids can learn to associate them with winding down and preparing for sleep to get ready for school the next day.

Steps for a Smooth Night-Time Routine for Kids in 2024

Bonus: Our Family’s Favorite Bedtime Stories
  1. “Goodnight Moon” by Margaret Wise Brown – A classic that never gets old.
  2. “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle – Fun and educational.
  3. “Where the Wild Things Are” by Maurice Sendak – A wild adventure before bed.
  4. “Guess How Much I Love You” by Sam McBratney is perfect for ending the day with love.
  5. “Dragons Love Tacos” by Adam Rubin – Silly and engaging for young minds.

Wishing you and your little ones a peaceful night and a happy, organized start to each school day! 🌙✨

Steps for a Smooth Night-Time Routine for Kids in 2024


  1. I am strugling with the bed time routine. My kids always had problem to wind down but I think it is because I have just a hectic lifestyle and I think they can feel the pressure and stress from me. I just need to take some of your tips and implement it. Hopefully it is going to help.

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