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Technology6 Best Deaf or Hard of Hearing Devices for Adults Working From...

6 Best Deaf or Hard of Hearing Devices for Adults Working From Home

Deaf and Hard of Hearing people account for over 5% of the world’s population that requires some form of technology device or invention to assist them when working from home which posed a huge problem during the pandemic.

However, due to living in a new era of Technology getting and receiving help as a disabled person of deaf and hard of hearing has become more prevalent due to raised awareness by the community.

So what if you’re a deaf or hard of hearing disabled adult or teen who wants to work from home when searching for an online job on

Many different assistive technology devices can help with listening and typing when working from home that include.

  • Alerting systems: Devices that alert adults through lights, vibrations, and high-frequency sounds.
  • Instant Messaging: Real-time communication between 2 or more people based on type text.
  • Internet Captioned Telephone Service: Using a telephone to caption real-time conversations between two people.
  • Internet Relay (IP Relay): A telephone relay service that links your computer and phone.
  • Telephone Relay Service (TRS): Allows blind, deaf, and speech-impaired adults to place calls to standard telephone users via a keyboard or assistive device.
  • Video Chat (Videophone Chatting): Interact with people in real-time using a computer, tablet, or phone device.
  • Video Relay Service (VRS): Allows non-signing individuals to communicate with people whose primary language is American Sign Language (ASL).

Best Deaf and Hard of Hearing Devices for Adults or Teens Working from Home

Williams Sound PockeTalker Ultra Duo Sound Amplifier with Headphone & Earbud

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AMPLIFY YOUR LIFE! One of our top 5 sellers, the PockeTalker has a slim design that resembles a compact cell phone and allows users to listen to the world around them through their iPod/MP3 earphones or their telecoil device.

Amplify the room you are in by up to 40 dB. Compatible with neck loops. Purchase Includes sound amplifier with microphone, PockeTalker HED021 Deluxe Headphones (LHSWS-HED021) & PockeTalker EAR013 Single Earbud (LHSWS-EAR013) Year Supply of Batteries, Liberty Microfiber Cloth and 5-year manufacturer warranty.

Neosonic Rechargeable Hearing Amplifier to Aid to Assist with Remote

Deaf Devices for Adults WFH: 6 Best Choices

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The NW10 neckband hearing amplifier is equipped with a wireless remote microphone that allows you to put the microphone closest to the talker, up to 60 feet away. This will greatly enhance the conversation while reducing the background noise. The voice will be so clear that just like someone speaking next to your ear.

The NW10 has both a built-in microphone and a remote microphone that help you with all kinds of daily activities, including one-on-one conversation, group meetings, classroom, church, and watching TV.

Timekettle M2 Language Translator Earbuds – Supports 40 Languages & 93 Accent Online

Deaf Devices for Adults WFH: 6 Best Choices

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Instant translator and offline translation: M2 translator supports 2-way online translation of 40 languages and 93 accents by using wifi or cellular network, supports offline translation from Chinese to English, Japanese, French, Spanish, Korean, Russian, and German, and from English to Japanese, French, Spanish, Korean, Chinese, Russian and German without network around. Timekettle language translator connects to 14 high-speed servers across the globe, allowing you to converse effortlessly wherever you are.

Not only is M2 a translator, but it supports playing music and phone calls. All-in-one translator with 3 modes: Touch mode: Simply tap the force sensor to activate voice pick-up to simultaneously translate all spoken sentences, and have a natural conversation with friends or business partners from various nationalities.

iLuv Smart Shaker 3 Vibration Bed Shaker Bluetooth Alarm Clock

Deaf Devices for Adults WFH: 6 Best Choices

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This wireless 5-vibration alarm bed shaker is made for everyone and anyone. The Smart Shaker 3 is designed to accommodate all types of sleepers, light or heavy since the vibration’s strength can be easily adjusted between 5 different strength levels. This bed shaker alarm clock is perfect for heavy sleepers, deep sleepers, the deaf, the seniors, the elderly, teenagers, college students, and anyone who needs an extra kick to wake up and get out of bed.

Shock Clock 2 – Wearable Silent Vibrating

Deaf Devices for Adults WFH: 6 Best Choices

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For waking up on time, go to sleep with it so you can wake up with the desired alarm with your Shock Clock 2, For creating new habits, 10 days for 30 minutes or less a day, as needed, and great for timing yourself in presentations and meetings online via Zoom or Chat.

Digital Hearing Amplifier by Britzgo

Deaf Devices for Adults WFH: 6 Best Choices

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You don’t quit, and neither should your hearing amplifier! Whether it’s a morning jog or an afternoon meeting, the 220 will keep you focused on achieving your best with four frequency modes that help you adapt to any environment. The 220 delivers real power and performance. Try it today and see for yourself why hearing is believing.

Small, behind-the-ear amplifier designed to be practically invisible and very lightweight. A rotatable earpiece allows this digital hearing amplifier to be worn in either ear seamlessly. This is a great solution for any that are hard of hearing.

How can we Help Adults struggling with Hearing Loss at Work?

Since the pandemic, we as a community must rethink how we can help all disabled adults in the workplace whether it is at home or in the office. But how can you help adults with a hearing disability when they’re given the choice to work from home?

  • Flexible work hours from home
  • Text to Speech Laptops and Tablets
  • Large caption fonts during presentations
  • Visual cues during presentations
  • Sign language interpreters on standby
  • Use common vocabulary no jargon!


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