Great! you’ve landed on this blog page because you’re excited about either leaving your job to start this side hustle or maybe you’re just looking to get some extra income this summer. Starting a babysitting side hustle is a very lucrative business and anything in child care as a whole. So let’s take a look at the things that will help you start that amazing babysitting side hustle this summer.

FREE of Charge!
I know you’re probably thinking why in the world would I start doing my babysitting side hustle for FREE starting. Well, if you’re new to this field or you’ve been working with children all your life but in a different setting such as a school district then you may want to start off charging free of charge when you get your first client.
Because starting free lets you see if this is something that you want to do, and then if it is successful then because you did it so great that parents will run and tell another parent WORD OF MOUTH, and then you will have more than 3 children to babysit by the end of the month of starting.
LOCAL local local…
Starting a babysitting side hustle this summer will only be successful if you start in your local community area first and then branch out. Starting locally will give you the upper hand because you’re familiar with the area and the people in it. By starting locally people already knew me from the community and were susceptible to trusting me with their child.

Word of Mouth Marketing
In 2024 word of mouth marketing is still powerful. I remember when starting my babysitting side hustle I babysat this one child and another child came within the same month because I did such a great job with that one child, and her parent went and told another parent who was inquiring about looking for a babysitter for their child.
Figure out your Niche age group
Before starting anything in the business of taking money from others you want to make sure you know what your audience/niche is. This means you must know what age group you want to work with before starting babysitting this summer. once you figure out what your favorite age group is it will also make it easier for you to take on more clients and be more proactive with your lessons if you’re teaching while providing care which is something that I think you should be doing.
Be Fun, Have Fun!
I didn’t think I had to say this but please be fun and have fun while babysitting because who wants to send their child back to a babysitter that isn’t fun? It is your job to ensure the safety and well-being of the child while they’re in your care and also to make sure that their experience is extremely fun while providing academic care. You want to include fun activities that will have the child going back to their parent screaming how much they’re having fun with you because you’re such a great babysitter and they want you to watch them again.
Stand out!
If you’re new to babysitting or just working with children in general you want to also make sure that you stand out. Upon moving to a new city I had to make sure that I not only had internet creditability but in personal creditability because I wanted to make sure that I had to stand out from other babysitters who were also looking for children to babysit.
Overall, babysitting is a very lucrative business and side hustle that can be done by anyone who enjoys working with children. Teaching children is a very rewarding job because you’re shaping the young minds of children. Just remember that babysitting can be a very fun job but also a very challenging job if it isn’t in your heart to do it in the first place. Check out my video down below of a fun way to teach your babysitting clients academics in reading.