10 Helpful Tips for Handling Toddler Aggression

Aggression in toddlers is quite common, and if you think about it that makes a lot of sense. Toddlers have big feelings, and usually lack the vocabulary to express those big feelings.

As a result, they may respond in anger or physical aggression to things that they don’t understand, things that are new, or those that scare them.

So what should you do if your toddler is behaving aggressively?

Remain Calm

It is your job to speak calmly and show them how to moderate their emotions. Never “show” your toddler “what it feels like” by hitting or biting them back.

Respond Immediately

They have short attention spans and if you don’t address their aggressive behavior when it is happening they may have forgotten what they did.

Don’t Let Them Get Their Way

You should never “reward” your toddler by letting them have a favorable outcome after showing aggressive behavior.

Comfort the Victim First

If the victim of your toddler’s aggressive behavior is another child, go to them and comfort them first.

Recognize Good Behavior

Acknowledge and tell your child when their behavior is good, it doesn’t have to be anything out of the ordinary.

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