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Dad25 Best Ways Kids can Make Money Fast!

25 Best Ways Kids can Make Money Fast!

Thanks to a generation full of technology and the internet, getting an extra source of income for your kid has never been easier. However, it also brings a myriad of options on the table and deciding which is appropriate can be a task.

To solve that problem, here are 25 best ways kids can make money:

Lemonade stand

Tried and tested over many generations, a lemonade stand is a timeless source of getting some extra moolah. Goes without saying that it imparts a lot of business knowledge too.

Garage sales

Another place where they can accumulate the know-hows of business is a garage sale. Negotiation, combo deals, the whole nine yards.

Delivering newspapers

A job which involves waking up on the earlier part of the day, delivering newspapers is also great exercise and lets them spend more time in the sunlight!

Chores around the neighborhood

You’d be hard pressed to find anyone who doesn’t want to outsource their chores for a couple of bucks.



Thanks to the internet, the freelancing market has never been greater. As long as your kid has something they’re fairly good at, they’re bound to find someone who can put their skills to good use.


If they’re well above their peers in one or more skills, tutoring is a neat way for some extra cash. With zoom calls, this can be shown to an infinitely larger audience and can turn into something big if they can handle it correctly.


Platforms such as twitch and YouTube have given rise to an entire industry that’s worth millions of dollars. Streaming video games can be a great way to get some income due to ad revenue.


If they’re fairly old enough to look after younger kids, babysitting the other kids in the neighborhood is an option.

Dog walking

If your little one loves the four legged furies, dog walking is a great option for some extra $$.


Flipping ebay products

If there’s a sale near your area where the discounts are too good to pass out, they can use this to their advantage. Flipping products on ebay can quickly turn into a very profitable business.

Lawn mowing

Another one that’s been around since forever, lawn mowing can also be coupled with trimming and mulching if your kid knows how to do it. There’s good money in this, somewhere in the ballpark of $10-20 per yard.

Selling arts and crafts

Whether it’s lava lamps or animal paintings, arts and crafts are always in demand from parents who want their kids to do something other than be on the phone all day. With Pinterest as inspiration, the possibilities are near limitless.

Youtube channel

While it’s fairly new, YouTube is increasingly becoming popular as an extra source of income. They can post videos on anything they’re passionate about and are sure to find an audience over time.


Who doesn’t love cookies? If they’re into cooking tasty treats, they can put some on display in a local cafeteria and watch as they get sold like hot cakes.


Holiday decorator

Another area where creative thinking is rewarded. Since Christmas is just a couple of weeks away, they should already get their first gig soon.


Waitressing is hard work, and the money is well-earned. This is also a great entry point into the business world as your kid will learn how to handle customer complaints, what to do during rush hours, etc.

Organizing closets

If organization is their forte, a myriad of people would love to pay some cash and get some sense of sanity in their messed up closets. This can also be applied to many other use cases, such as organizing files in a specific order in an office.

Camper cleaning

The holiday season is here, and people would be happy to pay someone else to do it as they might be too busy figuring out the destinations and what to bring along. The rates for these are higher than car cleaning, so make sure your kid knows about it first.

Virtual Assistant

Online entrepreneurs are on the rise, and since a lot of them mostly work from home, they need a virtual assistant that doesn’t need to physically show up at 8 in the morning.

Selling on Etsy

Etsy is increasingly becoming popular and is probably the best place to sell arts and crafts at the moment. As compared to selling it locally (not that it’s a bad option), it expands their work to a significantly larger audience and is one of the best ways kids can make money.


Selling on fiverr

Freelancing platforms such as fiverr get them customers early on, albeit at a hefty fee. The upside is they also save time on marketing and outreach.

Run a hot chocolate stand

The winter version of the lemonade stand. And more appropriate at the time of writing this, as the chilly winter is here!

Painting fences

If art is their thing, they can even take painting fences to the next level. There are plenty of fence painting ideas available online that’ll help with this.

Write a book review

You’d be surprised to see how much people are willing to pay on honest reviews. There are many websites nowadays that let you do this as well.

Distributing flyers

New businesses are always in need of someone who can handle marketing. Distributing flyers along with newspapers can let them take care of two jobs in one!

It goes without saying that this is just a drop in the ocean of opportunities now available, a few honorable mentions being a gardener and painting. If you feel like there are better options, or have a story to share about your experience with your kid making money, please share it with us in the comments below!


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