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Dad30 Heartwarming Single Dad Quotes

30 Heartwarming Single Dad Quotes

Nowadays, there are more and more single dads who are working hard to provide a great life for their children. While their relationship may not have worked out, there are still countless dads out there trying to be present in their children’s lives.

Here are 30 great single dad quotes that talk about the struggles and joys that come from being a single father.

Dear Single Dads,

  1. “Many single fathers also want to give back, tell their stories, and help others.” -Craig W. Baird
  2. “A lot of people say, ‘Wow, you’re a single father of twin boys, that’s crazy!’ Two toddlers can get hectic, but I wouldn’t change it for anything. Every day they teach me different things. The love is there. When you have a two-year-old saying every other hour, ‘Papi, teamo. Papi, I love you,’ it can’t get better.” -Ricky Martin
  3. “Being a single father is twice the work, twice the stress and twice tears but also twice the hugs, twice the love and twice the pride.” -unknown
  4. “I knew going in that being a single parent would be one of the toughest jobs I’d ever have. I’d been a talk-show host, actor, comic, and on and on, but this gig was going to be my defining moment.” -Arsenio Hall
  5. “A single dad has to lead, provide, instruct, and discipline.” -Michael A. Klumpp
  6. “I admire any single father because there are so many fathers who give up on their children, and those who stay, especially ones who do it alone, deserve a lot of praise.” -unknown
  7. “There’s no way I can care properly for my children if I don’t first care for myself.” -Tez Brooks
  8. “Always remember that by being a single father, you have chosen to live a life that is first dedicated to your children and then to you. You could have had it easy too, but you decided to be there for your children, so be proud of it.” -unknown
  9. “Shout out to all my fellow single fathers who run on coffee and patience.” -unknown
  10. “The greatest mark of a father is how he treats his children when no one is looking.” -Dan Pearce
  11. “I didn’t set out to be a single father. I set out to be the best parent I can be…and that hasn’t changed.” -unknown
  12. “Loving my son, building my son, touching my son, playing with my son, being with my son, these aren’t tasks that only super dads can perform. These are tasks that every dad should perform. Always. Without fail.” -Dan Pearce
  13. “I’m a single parent, and I just found that it was too difficult to manage raising my kids and doing the traveling involved in making movies. So, I took a little bit of a break. And the little bit of a break turned into a longer break, and then I found that I really didn’t miss it.” -Rick Moranis
  14. “Happy Father’s Day to the single dads that are being both the mother and father to their kids.” -Sonya Parker
  15. “You are the everything parent. You get all the tears, the joy, the tantrums, the hugs, the disappointments.” -unknown
  16. “I can’t tell you how much I respect all the single fathers out there doing it solo.” -Jennie Finch
  17. “I didn’t plan on becoming a single father, but I know I am a better dad because of it. It caused me to reevaluate my priorities, it made me look at my life, and change for the better. To change for my kids.” -unknown
  18. “The hardest thing that I had to do every day as a working single parent was child care, to have to leave my child with people that I did not know and hope everything was OK, that was the most painful part of every day.” -Chris Gardner
  19. “It’s rare you see a single father…that’s why I show my appreciation to the ones that are! Single fathers don’t get enough credit.” -unknown
  20. A single father has to fulfill the jobs of two people. He has to do twice more work, having no one with whom He could share the burden of the stressful moments. The bright side is that he gets all the love and attention of her child and that he is always there for all the significant and heart-warming moments of her child’s life.” -unknown
  21. “Single fathers need to find ways to adapt to their new circumstances, and they need to adapt fast.” -Craig W. Baird
  22. “It takes a lot of heart and will to be a single father, so be proud of yourself.” -unknown
  23. “It is a widespread assumption that when a relationship breaks down, it’s a man’s instinct to run off and abandon his duties. But that’s not the case.” -Kevin Brazant
  24. “A single dad needs to be much more than just a father to his kids.” -Michael A. Klumpp
  25. “I’d rather be a single father, raising on my own. I’d hate to be a ‘part-time’ dad.” -unknown
  26. “Just because you’re a man doesn’t mean that you can’t raise your kid. I think that families should stay together, but if you are a single father, don’t give up no matter what they say.” -Nicolas Cage
  27. “I thought about giving up…but then I remembered who was watching.” -unknown
  28. “I’m a single father, I don’t like to be away from my son. So, I’ll go out, make a film and come back. Repeat. And it’s worked out very well for the last 11 years.” -Dean Cain
  29. “A single dad is almost superheroes because there are few things that they cannot do. They are their child’s best friend and mentor while also taking care of countless tasks around the house. Single dads have superpowers indeed and they teach us that when you know how to prioritize, incredible things can be achieved.” -unknown
  30. “A father is the one friend upon whom we can always rely. In the hour of need, when all else fails, we remember him upon whose knees we sat when children, and who soothed our sorrows; and even though he may be unable to assist us, his mere presence serves to comfort and strengthen us.” -Emile Gaboriau

Single dads are the true heroes! They work nonstop to make sure they provide the best life possible for their children. It may not always be easy, as shown by these single-dad quotes, but it is always worth it!

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